Research Highlights
Carbon Emissions Trading and Environmental Protection: International Evidence
Posing a crucial risk to the economy, climate change has since become the top of government policy agendas worldwide. This paper analyses the implementation of two government policies that mitigate climate change, namely carbon tax and emissions trading system (ETS), also known as cap and trade or even carbon trading.
The “butterfly effect” in strategic human capital: Mitigating the endogeneity concern about the relationship between turnover and performance
This paper shows that Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident prompted an increase in the departure of strategic human capital (SHC) working in firms near nuclear plants in the United States. It provides strong empirical evidence that the departure of SHC hurts firm performance and that firms which have a strong relationship with their employees suffer more.
Minimum Wages, State Ownership, and Corporate Environmental Policies
To reduce rising income inequality, minimum wage policies have been adopted worldwide. This paper examines the impact of the minimum wages on firms’ environmental policies and how minimum wages hikes affect industrial pollution.