Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP)

NTU has a premier scheme, the elite Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP), to attract exceptional young academics throughout the world to work at NTU, further strengthening NTU’s commitment to research excellence. Launched in 2007, the scheme attracted nearly 400 applicants in 2007 and 586 applicants in 2008 with NTU awarding a total of 18 NAPs in these two years. Not only do the NAP recipients receive start-up grants of up to S$1 million, they also have the chance to help lead NTU’s next wave of multidisciplinary research. The scheme is opened on an annual basis and each year, up to 10 appointments will be made.

To find out more about the Nanyang Assistant Professorship, click here.

Below are Nanyang Assistant/Associate Professors currently with the College.

Hu Guangwei2022EEE
Lai Changquan2022MAE
Wu Dongshuang2022MSE
Lee Hiang Kwee2021CCEB
Chae Sanghoon2021EEE & MSE
Song Peng2021EEE & MSE
Wang Yifan2020MAE
​​Wong Liang Jie​2019​EEE
Wen Bihan​2019EEE​
Yu-Cheng, Chen​​
Lyu Chen​2018​MAE
Chang Wonkeun​​
Xu Yan​2016​EEE
Li Hong​2016​MAE