Give Back to NTU

Explore the different ways below to support NTU's journey to excellence in education, research, creativity and service to society.

A strong alumni network is the hallmark of a great university, and NTU alumni are making meaningful impact in different ways. Alumni Giving unites a diverse alumni community around a shared passion and cause – to open doors of higher education for financially-needy NTU students who need a helping hand to fulfil their lifelong aspirations.

Every gift from our alumni plants invaluable seeds of opportunities and drives powerful societal impact. Your contribution supports the nurturing of capable and compassionate leaders, and fuels innovation and advancements in critical areas for the betterment of our society.

With alumni support, we can collectively lift the financial burden and help talented and deserving students gain access to opportunities and possibilities that help improve their lives and that of their families. Join your fellow NTU alumni and make a gift today to empower students to pursue their dreams. Support NTU’s growth and progress in creating accessible and inclusive education opportunities for all. 

If you would like to find out more about Alumni Giving, please write to [email protected].

NTU Faculty & Staff are one of the University’s greatest advocates, actively promoting its values and supporting its mission. Financial contributions from faculty and staff are vital to sustaining the growth of the University’s endowment funds and other causes.

Regardless of the donation amount, you can play a part in enabling students to realise their fullest potential and accomplish their dreams of graduation. No gift is too small to make a lasting impact. Donate now to make a difference to the success of the University and multiply NTU’s impact.
Faculty and staff group photo

Ways to give

You may make your gift through our online giving form.

Payroll deduction
Give conveniently through payroll deductions.

Pledge form
Print out the pledge form and email it to your staff ambassadors.

2023 Faculty & Staff support

Why I give?

"I give back so that I can support our students at the times they need it most, from hardship funding, bursaries and scholarships to the general wellbeing needs of all students."
Prof Redfern, Dean, College of Science

"Every gift gives you the power to add to the happiness of someone else. Being an NTU alumna and staff, I hope to play a part in the University’s goal to ensure no deserving student is denied an education because of financial difficulties. No matter the amount, your gift to support needy students will go a long way."
Sadia Roohi, Assistant Director, Corporate Communications Office

"Giving is sharing our blessings, it is the perfect opportunity to show our gratefulness. I give not because I have much, but because I know from my own experience how some random acts of kindness and generosity, no matter how big or small, had changed my life from a “kampong girl” to who I am today."
Dr Michelle Phang Mee Seong, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Business School

Email us at [email protected] if you would like to share your story on giving back.

Still have questions about making a gift?

Read our FAQ or contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to answer your questions.

The NTU Phonathon is a dedicated group of student and alumni callers who reach out to our alumni and graduating students all year round.

Through these meaningful phone conversations, they share how philanthropic support from the NTU community is vital in helping NTU support deserving students and champion good causes.

Verifying call authenticity

With the rise of telemarketing scams, it is important to verify the legitimacy of a call from NTU. Here are two ways to verify the authenticity of a call: 

  • A call from NTU Phonathon starts with either 6970 or 6592
  • As a standard practice, all NTU Phonathon callers will commence a call by introducing themselves and stating their name and year of study. 

If you are unsure about the authenticity of a Phonathon call and would like to find out more, please email [email protected] and our staff will gladly assist.

Phonathon caller
Phonathon caller

Keen to be a part of the Phonathon team as an NTU student?

If you are interested to join a team of over 60 Phonathon callers, please submit this online formThe Phonathon Centre operates from Mondays to Thursdays, and on Sundays. Responsibilities include making outgoing calls to the NTU community to fundraise for the University, update database record, thank our donors, and gather feedback. Other than current undergraduates, we also welcome NTU alumni who are keen to join the team as part-time phonathon callers.

As an autonomous university, NTU receives government funding to sustain basic operational expenditures. However, philanthropic support from the community is critical to the University’s commitment to providing quality higher education for undergraduates and postgraduates.

Student Giving is a platform where students can participate in the campus giving movement and fulfil the University’s objective of nurturing compassionate, responsible and learned individuals. With your help, financially-needy students can realise their full potential. Regardless of the size of the gift, every donation creates a powerful impact at NTU. Your contributions support bursaries for underprivileged students, gifts to education and student life for campus vibrancy, research and academic work to tackle complex national and global challenges, and school advancement through activities such as educational trips and student projects.

Graduation Giving (also known as Class Giving) is an opportunity for our graduates to celebrate their academic achievements by leaving a legacy at NTU, preserving a heart-warming tradition and strengthening the culture of giving that the University was founded on. 

Every gift adds up to help NTU drive powerful and sustainable impact in support of meaningful causes, and aid financially disadvantaged students to pursue a more meaningful and fulfilling university education. Collectively, all gifts—no matter the amount—sustain the University’s mission of nurturing the next generation, providing limitless possibilities for talented and deserving students regardless of their financial means.

Commemorate your graduation by making a symbolic gift in a time-honoured legacy to help other students reach graduation as well. Join your graduating peers in shaping the future of NTU, a renowned institution in the hearts of many.

If you would like to find out more about Student and Graduation Giving, please write to [email protected]

We live in challenging but exciting times filled with unprecedented opportunities for outstanding partnerships. Philanthropic support is essential to NTU’s work in generating and disseminating forefront knowledge, nurturing thoughtful leaders and creating innovative solutions that underpin human flourishing.

Establishing a named fund is one of the most popular ways for donors to help students and support NTU’s endeavours in innovative teaching and research. These funds are usually named after the donor(s) or a person(s) the donor wishes to honour and may be established in the form of an endowed or a term gift.

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information

To learn more about named funds, please get in touch with our fundraisers for a confidential discussion on your philanthropic aspirations.

Named endowed fund

Endowed funding benefits the University in perpetuity. The principal sum is kept intact and invested for the long term to generate returns in perpetuity. Only the distributed income from the invested endowment fund is used for the gift’s purpose as directed by our donors. The distributable income provides a dependable source of financial support yearly, and ensures the stability and long-term viability of programmes at NTU.

Named term fund

Term funding allows the entire sum donated to be used immediately for designated programmes and projects that are aligned with the priorities of the University.

legacy gift is a planned gift created at present to be realised in the future after the donor passes on. The simplest way to create a legacy gift is to make a bequest through a will. Gifts can include:

  1. Cash
  2. CPF monies
  3. Insurance policies
  4. Marketable securities: Equities, bonds, unit trusts and commodities traded in listed stock exchanges
  5. Real estate

If you would like to find out more about legacy giving, please write to [email protected].