The NTU Joint PhD programmes aim to provide students with unique educational experiences where students receive training from supervisors with complementary expertise at NTU and at the partner university. In addition to the technical training, students will also receive interdisciplinary and intercultural trainings.

For more information on Joint-PhD programmes, please write to

NTU offers two types of joint programmes: (1) Joint PhD Degree Programmes and (2) Joint PhD Supervision Programmes.

(1) Joint PhD Degree Programmes are conducted on a full-time basis. Students in the programmes are registered at both NTU and the partner university. Students will spend a minimum of twelve months at the partner university. Upon successful completion of the programme, NTU and the partner university will jointly confer the PhD degree.

(2) Joint PhD Supervision Programmes are conducted on a full-time basis. Students in the programmes are registered at NTU and at partner university during the residency. Students will spend a minimum of six months at the partner university. Upon successful completion of the programme, NTU will confer the PhD degree.

Prospective students who are interested in the Joint PhD Programmes are encouraged to approach the potential supervisors at both NTU and partner university.

Admission Process for Joint Degree Programme

Prospective NTU students can submit their applications through the NTU Graduate Research Admission System (GRAS) portal and indicate their preferred joint programmes. See step-by-step instruction: Joint PhD Degree Programme Application. Upon submission, applicants will be evaluated and recommended by the hosting School, Research Centers, or Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme, and by the Joint Admission Committee (JAC) consisting of faculty members from both NTU and partner university.

Current NTU students under a single degree programme are welcome to convert to Joint PhD Degree Programme as applicable under the Memorandum of Agreement (typically within twelve months unless otherwise stated; see Joint PhD Programme Partners and Projects list). Students are to discuss their intention with their supervisors. Upon submission of their application through their schools, students will be evaluated and recommended by the JAC.

NOTE: Admission to NTU is not coupled to admission to the joint programme. Applicants/Students may be subjected to more than one round of interview as applicable.

Admission Process for Joint Supervision Programme

Students who have received NTU admission can apply to the joint PhD supervision by indicating their interest to their NTU supervisor and their Schools. Their application will be considered and recommended by the Programme Management Committee (PMC).

Joint Projects

Joint projects can be proposed by supervisors, prospective, or current students. The project proposals will be evaluated and endorsed by the Programme Management Committee (PMC) and admission of the students to the Joint Programme will follow the Joint PhD admission process.

Current Joint Projects can be found in the Joint PhD Programme Partners and Projects list.

Joint PhD Programme Partners and Projects


Partner University School / Research InstituteAgreement ValidityConversion to Joint Degree
Medical University of ViennaSchool of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Renewal in discussion 12 months
Technische Universität Graz College of Computing and Data Science 23-Jun-2718 months
Institut Polytechnique de ParisAll24-Apr-2918 months
Université Grenoble AlpesEnergy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)Renewal in discussion12 months
Sorbonne UniversitéAll17-May-2512 months
Université Paris-SaclayEnergy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)Renewal in discussion12 months
Université Paris Sciences et LettresSchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering       
School of Materials Science and Engineering
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
22-Oct-2812 months
University of GroningenSchool of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
National Institute of Education
Automatic renewal annuallyAfter QE
Karolinska Institutet All31-Dec-25After QE
KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyAll27-May-2712 months
Linköping University School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
School of Materials Science and Engineering
School of Biological Sciences
Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)
28-May-2512 months
United Kingdom   
University of WarwickAll Renewal in discussion12 months



Partner University SchoolAgreement Validity Conversion to Joint Degree
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras All 29-Feb-2412 months
Hebrew University of JerusalemSchool of Materials Science and Engineering  04-Dec-2812 months
Osaka UniversityThe Asian School of the Environment
School of Biological Sciences
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
10-Feb-25 12 months
South Korea   
Sungkyunkwan UniversityAll30-Sep-2912 months
Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityAll30-Sep-27 After QE


North America

Partner University School  Agreement ValidityConversion to Joint Degree
Columbia University, New York City, New YorkSchool of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringAutomatic renewal annually 12 months



Partner University School  Agreement ValidityConversion to Joint Supervision
Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityAll31-Jan-3012 months
Indian Institute of Science, BengaluruAll 31-May-2612 months



Partner University School  Agreement ValidityConversion to Joint Supervision
Queensland University of Technology School of Materials Science and Engineering8-Oct-2818 months





Partner University School  Agreement ValidityConversion to Joint Supervision
Technical University of MunichAll30-Oct-2812 months





1. What is the difference between Joint PhD Degree Programme and Joint PhD Supervision Programme?

  • Joint PhD degree programme has a minimum residency period of 12 months at Partner Institution and the degree will be jointly conferred by both Institutions.  
  • Joint PhD supervision programme has a minimum residency period of 6 months and the degree will be conferred by the Home Institution. The Partner Institution will issue supplemental letter upon completion of the programme.  

2. Should I contact the supervisors before applying?

Applicants are encouraged to contact both NTU and Partner Institution supervisors prior to submitting an application. Applicants may refer to the Faculty Directory to identify an NTU supervisor. 

3. As a Joint PhD degree student, do I need to meet graduation requirements at both Institutions?

Joint PhD degree students are required to fulfil graduation requirements agreed upon under each programme. In general, the students will follow the academic requirements of the Home Institution. Additional requirements of the Partner Institutions may need to be fulfilled for the award of the joint degree.  

Students with NTU as the Home Institution will be required to fulfil course and teaching requirements at NTU. They will have the opportunities to take courses to acquire knowledge of critical importance for the execution of the Ph.D. project at the Partner Institution or they may need to take additional courses to fulfil the requirements from the Partner Institution. 

Fees and scholarships: 

4. Do I have to pay tuition fees at Partner Institution? What about accommodation and travel expenses at Partner Institution?

Tuition fees are waived at Partner Institution. However, students are required to pay minor fees at Partner Institution.  

The cost of accommodation and all living expenses, including the relevant medical or health insurance will be borne by the student or the Home Institution. Medical insurance is compulsory at both Institutions. 

Students from Partner Institution are required to pay Miscellaneous Fee at NTU which consists of student service fee and health service fee (approximately S$280 per semester). 


6. How do I apply to the Joint PhD Degree programme?

Applicants shall submit their application in Graduate Research Admission System (GRAS) portal. In the “Special Programme” field, please indicate the name of the joint PhD programme.   

7. I am admitted as a student in single PhD degree programme at NTU. Can I convert to Joint PhD Degree programme?

Depending on the programme, typically students can transfer to joint PhD degree programme or joint supervision programme within the first 12 months of candidature period.  

8. Do I have to meet the admission criteria at Partner Institution?

In general, the minimum eligibility requirement for admission will be guided by the Home Institution and will be honoured by the Partner Institution, unless otherwise stated in our agreement with Partner Institution.  

9. I am a new applicant to Joint PhD Degree programme and have identified the supervisors at both Institutions. Do I have to submit application to both Institutions?

Applicants are only required to submit application to the Home Institution, where student will be initially enrolled and where the primary supervisor is located. 

10. I am admitted as Joint PhD degree student at Home Institution. When do I register at Partner Institution?

Students admitted at NTU should register at the Partner Institution after having passed the Qualification Examination (typically after 18 months).  

Students admitted at the Partner Institution should register at NTU after completing course and other requirements at their Home Institution.