These Exchange Programmes enable PhD students to take graduate level courses/modules that are not offered in their Home University from the other university (Host University), therefore leveraging on the respective strengths of these universities to significantly broaden the students’ educational options. Such collaboration among local universities improves the quality of PhD education.

Students must seek written endorsement of their Home University to select and apply for Exchange Courses/Modules at the Host University. The student’s enrolment in the courses/modules is determined by the Host University based on the availability of spaces and the student’s academic credentials. Upon successful completion of the courses, credits will be transferred to the Home University.


  • The grades of the courses taken at the Host University will not be included in students’ GPA computations.
  • There will be no add/drop period for the registration of subjects. Students must decide on the courses before submitting the registration form.
  • Students will not be allowed to withdraw from the course by the end of the second teaching week without valid reason.

The enrolled NUS/SMU students are responsible for:

  1. Tuition, academic and obligatory fees at their Home University. Tuition and fees will be waived at the Host University;
  2. Medical/health insurance. This fee will be waived at the Host University if a student is already insured for similar coverage at the Home University;
  3. Obligatory expenditure required in the Host University;
  4. Personal and living expenses, including accommodation and food;
  5. Debts incurred for the duration of their study at the Host University; and
  6. Own travel expenses.

The use of non-academic or non-obligatory facilities, services and functions at the Host University may require the payment of fees by the exchange student.

Interested PhD students are encouraged to apply for these exchange programmes. Detailed application procedures are provided through the following links.​

1. Registration of Courses

Students should ascertain with the advice of their institution's faculty coordinators that they have met the equivalent pre-requisites, if any, of the NTU courses. 

For students who are taking courses concurrently at both universities, it is important for you to check and ascertain that you can fit the exchange course(s) with your registered courses in NUS/SMU.

Please note that there are certain courses which are not offered to exchange students.  NTU courses are highly competitive and popular, and there is no guarantee that you will be allocated courses you express interest in. 


2. Application Procedure

Note: Applicable to PhD Students who have been nominated by NUS/SMU only     

      a. Obtain the information on the Course Content and Examination Timetable

      b. Consult your institution’s faculty coordinators on the suitability of your choice of courses

      c. Complete the NTU online application form​​ by the following stipulated closing date:

 By 31 May 2024 (Friday) for Semester 1, AY2024-2025

 By 18 Oct 2024 (Friday) for Semester 2, AY2024-2025


3. Acceptance

Your selection of courses will be subject to NTU's approval and vacancies availability. Upon successful application, you will be issued with a letter of enrolment and you are required to indicate your acceptance by the stipulated deadline. At the end of the programme, NTU will send your academic transcript to your university within one month after the release of examination results. Please note that all NTU rules and regulations pertaining to course registration and examinations will apply to you.


4. Useful NTU Links

Academic Calendar

Course Content

Examination Timetable

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Instructions to Candidates​

NTU-NUS_SMU List of NTU Courses to be offered in Sem 1 AY24 (13 May 24)


5. Contact Us

Should you have further enquiry, please email to [email protected]

​1. Eligibility

a. Student is registered as a full-time PhD student in NTU;

b. Student is of good standing with CGPA ≥ 3.50;

c. Student has successfully completed at least one (1) semester of study in NTU at the point of application to the exchange course at NUS/SMU.


2. Registration of Courses

Students are advised to consult and discuss with their supervisor on the suitability of their choice of the NUS/SMU course(s) before submitting their application.

For students who are taking courses concurrently at both universities, it is important for you to check and ascertain that you can fit the exchange course(s) with your registered courses in NTU.


3. Application Procedure

Interested PhD students are required to complete an application form and submit it to your School for approval.

Application Schedule for
Semester 1, AY2024-25 
Application Schedule for
Semester 2, AY2024-25
13 - 22 May 202430 Sep – 9 Oct 2024Submit application form to your School: NUS | SMU
By 22 May 2024By 9 Oct 2024Receive outcome of your application from NTU
27 May – 31 May 202414 – 18 Oct 2024Complete online application form: NUS SMU
17 – 21 Jun 20244 – 9 Nov 2024Receive outcome of your application from NUS/SMU

By 28 Jun 2024 for NUS
By 3 Jul 2024 for SMU

By 15 Nov 2024NTU students to indicate acceptance/rejection of offer
By 19 Jul 202428 Nov 2024NTU students to complete online registration/matriculation


4. Useful Links

NUS: Academic Calendar | Module Description​ |NUS PhD SEP Application Information


 5. Contact Us

Should you have further enquiry, please email to ​[email protected]

The enrolled SUSS students are responsible for:

  1. Tuition, registration fee and miscellaneous fees at the Host University;
  2. Obligatory expenditure required in the Host University;
  3. Personal and living expenses, including accommodation and food;
  4. Debts incurred for the duration of their study at the Host University; and
  5. Own travel expenses.

The use of non-academic or non-obligatory facilities, services and functions at the Host University may require the payment of fees by the exchange student.

Interested PhD students are encouraged to apply for these exchange programmes. Detailed application procedures are provided through the following links.​

1. Registration of Courses

Students should ascertain with the advice of their institution's faculty coordinators that they have met the equivalent pre-requisites, if any, of the NTU courses. 

For students who are taking courses concurrently at both universities, it is important for you to check and ascertain that you can fit the exchange course(s) with your registered courses in SUSS.

Please note that there are certain courses which are not offered to exchange students.  NTU courses are highly competitive and popular, and there is no guarantee that you will be allocated courses you express interest in. 


2. Application Procedure

Note: Applicable to PhD Students who have been nominated by SUSS only     

      a. Obtain the information on the Course Content and Examination Timetable

      b. Consult your institution’s faculty coordinators on the suitability of your choice of courses

      c. Complete the NTU online application form​​ by the following stipulated closing date:

 By 31 May 2024 (Friday) for Semester 1, AY2024-2025

 By 18 Oct 2024 (Friday) for Semester 2, AY2024-2025


3. Acceptance

Your selection of courses will be subject to NTU's approval and vacancies availability. Upon successful application, you will be issued with a letter of enrolment and you are required to indicate your acceptance by the stipulated deadline. At the end of the programme, NTU will send your academic transcript to your university within one month after the release of examination results. Please note that all NTU rules and regulations pertaining to course registration and examinations will apply to you.


4. Useful NTU Links

Academic Calendar

Course Content

Examination Timetable

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Instructions to Candidates​

NTU-SUSS List of NTU Courses to be offered in Sem 1 AY24 (13 May 24)


5. Contact Us

Should you have further enquiry, please email to [email protected]