Minor in Film

NTU’s Minor in Film is an interdisciplinary program drawing upon a range of courses from the School of Art, Design and Media (ADM), School of Humanities (SoH), and Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WKWSCI).

Film is an important discipline reflecting the value of an enduring artistic and cultural form in a world increasingly reliant on image-making and narrativity. We encourage the inter-disciplinary study of Film to reflect its complex nature, and students may choose from a wide range of practical, theoretical and analytical courses to tailor the minor to suit their interest in the topic.

Overview of the Programme
What is film? How do we understand it? How does film provoke a response? How may we participate?

These questions guide our thoughtful examination of film across various disciplines. By aggregating courses in three schools, students have the opportunity to approach film from a variety of perspectives, including practical filmmaking, cultural theory, critical discourse and historical knowledge.

You may choose to approach film through aesthetic, ethical, and cultural contexts, to examine it as art, product, or text, or to access film through practise, theory, analysis and even through professional development courses.

The diverse conceptual and academic possibilities reflect the sophistication of the form and is supported by active advisement from faculty to enable students to navigate the offerings and customize their approach.

Key Aspects of the Programme
  • Develop insights into the dynamics of imaging the world
  • Analyze film in many key theoretical contexts
  • Understand developments in film by studying relationships between the production, distribution, exhibition and reception of movies and their historical circumstances.
  • Cultivate the necessary critical language to formulate responses to film
  • Learn a variety of skills that will enable them to make a meaningful contribution to the arts, film and cultural industries in Singapore 

Selection Criteria
The Film Minor is open to all NTU students, except students who are pursuing a BFA in Media Art. Students must first read 1 of 2 gateway core courses, FL5001 Introduction to Film Studies (WKWSCI) or DF2009 History of World Cinema (ADM) within the first year of pursuing the minor.

Graduation Requirements
Students wishing to take the Minor in Film will need to pass 1 of 2 gateway core courses AND at least four other courses from the table below. Gateway courses should be taken in the first year of pursuing the minor.

(Choose 1)
FL5001 Introduction to Film Studies
DF2009 History of World Cinema
Students who matriculated before AY2022-2023 can only take FL5001 to fulfill the requirements of the Minor.
4 Unrestricted Electives (Choose any 4 from the lists below)

Offered by


DF2000 Film Production 1
DF2001 Film Editing
DF2002 Survey of Experimental Film
DF2003 Cinematography 1
DT2007 History and Culture of Animation, VFX and Game
DF2011 Sound for Film
DF3010 Experimental Film Production
DF3012 Film Directing
DF3013 Sustainable Producing for Film and Media
DF5001 Documentary Filmmaking
HC3014 Cultural Study of Chinese Cinemas (in Mandarin)
HC5016 Chinese Cinemas: Methods and Issues (in English)
HC5017 Transnationality in Southeast Asian Cinemas (in English)
HT5202 Introduction to Audiovisual Translation (in Mandarin)
HL2015 War in Literature and Film
HL2037 History of Film
HL3001 Film Theory
HL3002 Film, Politics and Ethics
HL3003 Film & Literature
HL4014 Advanced Studies in Film
SoH/PhilosophyHY2027 Popular Culture and Philosophy
CS2027 Genre and Narrative Strategies
CS2190 Cinema and the Environment
CS4053 Popular Cinema
CS4054 Asian Cinema
CS4068 Issues in Cinema Studies
CS2300 Acting and Directing for TV and Film
CS4026 Documentary Film and TV: Concepts and Applications
CS4027 Narrative Film and TV: Concepts and Applications
CS4079 Issues in Cinema Studies: Cinema and Social Currents
CS4195 The Future of Cinema
CS4260 Film Festivals: History and Theory
CS4265 Global Film Culture: Hollywood and the West
CS4266 Global Film Culture: Non-Western Cinema
CS4312 Women in Film and TV Industries
Students can take any ONE of the following as part of the minor:
DF2005 Writing For Film (ADM)
HZ5205 Creative Writing: Screenwriting (SoH)
CS4024 Writing for Cinema and TV (WKWSCI)

Minor in Film Coordinators
The Minor in Film coordinators are drawn from ADM and WKWSCI, they include:
- Wong Chen-Hsi: School of Art, Design and Media
- Kym Campbell: Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information