Director's Message

Prof AN Bo 
Assistant Chair (Innovation)
College of Computing and Data Science
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The CCDS Innovation Lab was established with a vision to grow into an open innovation platform with global reputation for CCDS students, faculty and alumni.

To achieve this grant vision, we have carefully architected three complementary pillar programs under the CCDS innovation lab, each of which serves its unique purpose. The Student Entrepreneurship Program (SEP) aims to groom future generations of technology leaders and entrepreneurs in Singapore with global perspectives. It is a multifaceted platform where undergraduate and graduate students can further explore their ideas, and acquire leadership and entrepreneurial skills via hands-on experience. The Technology Adoption Program (TAP) provides strong support for CCDS faculty and researchers, as well as student teams and industry partners, to pilot their research projects in hopes of accelerating the diffusion of research into practice. The Industry Innovation Consortium (IIC) is established to be an interactive networking platform connecting students, faculty and researchers with industry partners to facilitate information exchanges and collaborations in terms of curriculum, talents, and projects.

CCDS Innovation Lab provides a centralized hub to promote entrepreneurship ecosystems with CCDS and for NTU at large. Modelled after the highly-touted innovation concept in Silicon Valley, the lab is a nice, cozy and ideal innovation space for team discussion, group meeting, project developing and demonstration. We are also proud that the CCDS Innovation Lab will allocate considerable funds from university and the school to student teams to initiate their innovation projects and launch their businesses. Finally, it gathers industry and government partners with reputation and influence who will provide more resources and support to the budding entrepreneurs. 

Dennis Gabor, a Noble Prize winner in physics, once said, “We cannot predict the future, but we can invent it.” It is our hope that it is from the CCDS Innovation Lab that the invented future starts. We encourage creative and visionary students to take an entrepreneurial career path, entice researchers to leverage the opportunity to take the first step toward academic entrepreneurship, and welcome alumni, industry, and government partners to join our force to establish a healthy entrepreneurship ecosystem for young generations in Singapore!

The door of the CCDS Innovation Lab now is open. We welcome your participation in the programs of the lab, and look forward to your ideas and proposals.

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