First Sprinter Group Exercise Atari Games x Deep Learning (14 March 2021)
On 14th of March 2021, SCSE Innovation Lab kicked off its first sprinter group exercise - the Atari Games x Deep Learning which is conducted by Leon Gurtler.
Leon Gurtler is a group member of SCSE Innovation Lab's SEP Team, LuoPrint.
The aim of this sprint is for participants to compete in building the best models for the ever popular Space Invaders game.
The OpenAI CartPole environment was adopted to learn the important Deep Learning techniques on a theoretical and practical level.
After the participants have understood the necessary foundation, they were divided into sub-groups and they applied their newly gained knowledge to develop the AI for the game.
Every participant stayed on and persevered throughout the entire 8-hours session.
Congratulations to Siteng's team for winning the competition. They were able to present the best solution with an algorithmic solution that reached a total score of 555.
The code is available here at