Published on 15 Nov 2017

Innovation Speaker Series: Dr. Marie-José Montpetit​ on Entrepreneurship in the Age of Connectivity (15 Nov 2017)

On Nov 15th, 2017, Dr. Marie-José Montpetit, an internationally renowned Internet researcher and implementer looking into the future of networking, video and television from content, technology and performance perspectives, was invited by SCSE Innovation Lab to share her thoughts on entrepreneurship in the age of connectivity.

Now lives in Boston, Dr. Montpetit is an advisor to Boston area startups in video and networking performance and cloud computing. Her pioneering work on Social, Wireless and Multi-screen television is recognized worldwide and has been rewarded by a Motorola Technology Prize in 2007 and a MIT Technology Review TR10 in 2010. She used to be a lecturer at the MIT Media Lab on Social Television, collaborator to the MIT Communications Futures Programs on wireless networking and researcher with MIT RLE on Network Coding for video and Internet performance. 

Her current focus is on cloud computing, applications for mobility and future Internet. In the talk, Dr. Montpetit particularly addressed recent work in using cloud infrastructure for high efficiency augmented and virtual video streaming as well as applications for Internet of Things (IoT) for emergency services and autonomous devices. It focused on the opportunity that AI-driven cloud-based services enable a true software-based entrepreneurship. That means that novel ideas can be rapidly prototyped and implemented with minimal investment. In addition, the rise of personal assistants, self-driven cars and date-driven applications are giving birth to ever important artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.