Published on 04 Oct 2017

Innovation Speaker Series: Prof Mahmoud Daneshmand on Opportunities and Challenges of Our Era

Nowadays, billions of "things" connected to the Internet are generating mountains of Data on all aspects of the human life, which brings about opportunities and challenges. Professor Mahmoud Daneshmand provides his own thoughts on this topic in his talk for the Innovation Speakers Series on Dec 4th at SCSE Innovation Lab, NTU.

Dr. Daneshmand is currently Professor of Department of Business Intelligence & Analytics as well as Department of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology. He has more than 35 years of Industry & University experience as Professor, Researcher, Assistant Chief Scientist, Executive Director, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Technology Leader, Chairman of Department, and Dean of School at: Bell Laboratories; AT&T Shannon Labs–Research; University of California, Berkeley; University of Texas, Austin; Sharif University of Technology; University of Tehran; New York University; and Stevens Institute of Technology. He is well recognized within the academia and industry and holds key leadership roles in IEEE Journal Publications, Conferences, Industry–IEEE Partnership, and IEEE Future Direction Initiatives. He is Co-Founder and Chair of Steering Committee of IEEE IoT Journal; Member of Steering Committee of IEEE Transaction on Big Data; guest editor of several IEEE publications; Co-Founder of the IEEE Big Data Initiative; and has served as General Chair, Keynote Chair, Panel Chair, and Technical Program Chair of many IEEE major conferences. He has given several Keynote speeches in IEEE as well as international conferences.

Prof. Daneshmand is an expert on Big Data Analytics with extensive industry experience including with the Info Lab of the AT&T Shannon Labs – Research. In this talk, Prof. Daneshmand presented his thoughts on opportunities and challenges of IoT, Big Data, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Analytics for intelligent scientific and business decisions. He also elaborated on the End-to-End system solution including: "things domain", "device domain", "network domain", "service domain", and "end user domain". In addition, Prof Daneshmand shared his ideas on the challenges and opportunities future university & industry may face.