Air Battery

Dual Air Battery


This dual air battery is an innovative "solute-in-air" electrolyte metal-air battery that accesses oxygen and water from the environment. Featuring self-healing "solute-in-air" electrolytes, these batteries are non-flammable and tolerant to high temperatures, providing unprecedented safety and reliability for battery and electric vehicle manufacturers.


Batteries are essential in daily life and industry, yet they face challenges of limited energy density and high safety risks. Metal-air batteries, with their open device configuration, allow the exchange of oxygen with the environment, enhancing energy density. This technology offers a promising solution for next-generation energy-storage systems by addressing these key issues. 



The dual air battery employs a “solute-in-air” electrolyte, comprising a metal anode, an oxygen gas cathode and a self-healing electrolyte. Oxygen and water are not stored in the battery but are accessed from the environment. This design ensures intrinsic safety issues through non-flammable components and high reliability via the self-healing properties of the electrolytes. These batteries are capable of continuing to discharge even after exposure to extreme temperatures, with primary batteries remaining functional after burning at 630oC and the secondary batteries exhibiting self-healing after being heated to 400oC. 


Figure 1: The advantages of dual air batteries

Figure 1: The advantages of dual air batteries


Applications & Advantages

Main application areas include battery manufacturing for consumer electronics, energy-storage systems for industrial applications and electric-vehicle batteries. 


  • Utilises non-flammable components, ensuring safety
  • Primary batteries can withstand burning at 630oC and secondary batteries can tolerate up to 400o
  • Provides a highly reliable energy-storage solution 


Prof CHEN Xiaodong