Blockchain asset tokenisation

Blockchain Business Flow and Asset Tokenisation


We develop business strategies for integrating blockchain technology into various business processes through the use of smart contracts. This includes overseeing the entire process from formulation to implementation, testing, deployment and integration into existing enterprise systems. Additionally, we create strategies for asset tokenisation using appropriate smart contracts.


Blockchain provides an enhanced degree of trust and compliance through its immutability property. Through smart contracts, it brings this enhanced degree of trust and compliance to business processes and workflows, which protects all stakeholders from unexpected disruption and unauthorised deviation from the normal processes and workflows.

Asset tokenisation is the creation of a digital identity in a blockchain for an asset. Whereas the real-world asset exists in its entirety as a whole, the strategy of tokenisation allows the digital version to be fractionalised so that its liquidity and ownership is scaled up. Having an asset tokenised creates an immutable identity for the asset for further managing the asset in a trusted decentralised infrastructure.



We formulate a business strategy for the blockchainisation of business processes and workflows using smart contracts. We undersee the implementation, testing, deployment, and integration of smart contracts into the current systems of an enterprise.

We formulate a business strategy for tokenisation of business assets using smart contracts. We choose from among ERC20, ERC721, ERC734/ERC735, ERC404, etc. the most fitting smart contracts for the tokenisation. The enterprise may also benefit from the creation of a bespoke token management portal or seamless integration into existing marketplaces.


Figure 1: Blockchainisation of business processes and workflows.

Figure 1: Blockchainisation of business processes and workflows.


Applications & Advantages

  1. Enhanced degree of trust and compliance of business processes.
  2. Increased liquidity of fractionalised assets.


Prof NG Wee Keong