Ultrasonic Waves

Method and Apparatus for Automatic and Contactless Manipulating Objects Using Ultrasonic Waves


This innovative method utilises phase-modulated ultrasound waves for non-contact picking of millimetre-sized objects from the ground. By generating vertical vortices, objects are lifted and trapped mid-air, allowing seamless transfer using an open-end gripper design.


The ability to perform non-contact picking of objects from ground level using an acoustic manipulator is crucial for advancing contactless manipulation technologies. Traditionally, contactless manipulation has focused on levitating and moving objects already positioned in the acoustic trap field, requiring manual loading. Lifting objects directly from the ground poses a technical challenge due to sound reflection from surfaces. This novel technique addresses this by employing phase-modulated ultrasound waves to lift millimetre-sized objects from the ground.



This approach involves a circular array design with two independent transducer rings. Phase modulation creates pressure changes and vertical vortices, lifting and trapping objects at the pressure node above the ground. The open-end gripper design facilitates the transfer of objects to other sections post-lifting, enhancing the efficiency and versatility of the system. 


Figure 1: Non-contact gripper with robotic arm performing picking-up and placing an object

Figure 1: Non-contact gripper with robotic arm performing picking-up and placing an object


Applications & Advantages

Applications include non-contact lifting of small objects from ground level, handling delicate manufacturing processes and integration with robotic arms. 


  • Open-end design allows easy transfer of objects after pickup
  • Adapts to objects with varying size characteristics
  • Utilises pressure field evolution and vortex induced by phase modulation


Prof DU Hejun