Grant Calls

TitlePrincipal Investigator / Co-Principal InvestigatorFunding AgencyStatus
Extreme UV nanophotonics: quantum control and meta-optical design of extreme ultraviolet light sources
Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir National Research Foundation - Competitive Research Programme (NRF-CRP) Awarded
Nanoantenna light-emitting devices Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir A*STAR MTC On-going
 Next-Generation Ultralow-cost High-Efficiency Eco-Friendly Lamps  Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir  ​NTU-Industry Joint-project  ​On-going
Development and demonstration of over 100%-efficiency atomically flat nanocrystals enabled by quantum cutting for luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs): The science and technology of ultra-efficiency quantum-cutting nanocrystal concentrators  ​Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir  ​Ministry of Education (MOE) Completed
 Emerging Colloidal Quantum Optoelectronics of Solution-Processed Atomically-Flat Nanocrystals  Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir  National Research Foundation - Investigatorship (NRF-I)  ​ Completed
 Dielectric Nanoantennas  Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir  ​A*STAR Pharos  ​ Completed
 Perovskite Optoelectronics: Multidimensional Perovskites for High Performance Solution-Processed Light-Emitting Devices  ​Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir  National Research Foundation - Competitive Research Programme (NRF-CRP)  ​ Completed
High Energy‐Efficiency White Light‐Emitting Diodes for Spectrally Enhanced Lighting ​Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir ​NTU-Industry Joint-project ​Completed
Excitonics Science and Technology toward Revolutionary Semiconductor Lighting: Ultra-Efficiency Excitonic Energy Transfer for Next-Generation Lighting and Displays​ Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir ​National Research Foundation - Competitive Research Programme (NRF-CRP) Completed
QDOT Colour‐converting TV‐LEDs Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir A*STAR Public Sector Fund (PSF) Completed
Nanostructured White LEDs of Nanocrystal Quantum Dot Emitters for High Quality Mesopic Solid State Lighting​ Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir ​National Research Foundation - Research Fellowship (NRF-RF) Completed
Start-up Grant for the Establishment of LUMINOUS! Center of Excellence for Semiconductor Lighting and Displays ​Prof Hilmi Volkan Demir ​Start-up Grant Completed