Independent Study Module (For eligible SAF officers enrolled at the SAF-NTU Academy only)

Independent Study Module (For eligible SAF officers enrolled at the SAF-NTU Academy only) is a supervised research on a topic of study, subject to the agreement of the Programme Director. This course carries 3 Academic Units.

The objective is to develop competency in the candidate to critically study and analyse a topic of importance in an area related to the MSc Programme. The candidate will need to apply the concepts, tools and skills learnt in the programme on the project.

Duration for Completion
One semester

You should only register for Independent Study in the semester that you wish to start working on the Independent Study project. Upon registration, in a particular semester, you will have to complete it by the end of that semester; otherwise, a “Fail” grade will be awarded.

Please follow the 3 steps to register for Independent Study:-

STEP 1: Register the Course
You have to register the course MA6788 Independent Study during the Course Registration Period, via GSLink as follows:
GSLink > Academic > Course Registration > Course Registration ( MSc)

STEP 2: Register the Title and Supervisor
After you have registered the course, please first consult and seek approval to propose a supervisor and project title, and submit via GSLink during the Course Registration Period as follows:
GSLink > Academic > Course Registration > Registration for Independent Study (MAE Only)

STEP 3: Assigning of Supervisor
The programme director will approve the supervisor in accordance with your title of the Independent Study.

If you miss the Course Registration Period, you have to register your Title and Course during the Add/Drop Period. AFTER THE ADD/DROP PERIOD, NO REGISTRATION of the TITLE and the COURSE WILL BE ACCEPTED.

When your Title for Independent Study is approved by the Programme Director, you will receive an auto-generated email in your NTU Email account, informing you whether the Title is approved, as well as the Supervisor assigned to you. Thereafter, you can proceed with the Independent Study.

Late submission will delay the assigning of a Supervisor to you and thereby shorten your time to work on the Independent Study.

De-registration of MA6788 Independent Study

You have to drop the course during the ‘Add/Drop’ Period via GSLink as follows:.
GSLINK > Academic > Course Registration > Course Registration (MSc)

As de-registration of the Title CANNOT be done through the System, please complete the form Application_Change_ISM_Title_Supervisor_De-registration and submit it to the MAE Graduate Office (N3-02a-29).

Change of Independent Study Title/Independent Study Supervisor
For changes in the Title/Supervisor of the registered Independent Study, please complete the form and submit it to the MAE Graduate Office (N3-02b-62).  

If you have any enquiries regarding the registration for Independent Study, please email to [email protected].


Plagiarism Check
The University and School take a very strong view on plagiarism. 

To check for plagiarism, you may submit the drafts of your main report (excluding references & appendices) regularly through the Turnitin software found in NTULearn, where the software produces a similarity score and originality report. Click  e-Guide Search a Self-Enrol Course to learn how to self-enrol as a student in NTULearn.

Students' reports should have similarity index of less than 20%. Students have to revise and re-submit the final report within a week and if the students did not revise their reports and/or the plagiarism match percentage in their revised report remains >20%, they will be awarded a 'Fail' grade.


Report Writing Guidelines

Format & Style
The format and style of the submission is similar to that required of a technical paper or short report. The number of words expected is less than 8,000 words. The Dissertation should be typewritten in English, in the third person and with one and a half or double spacing between lines in Times New Roman font size 12. You are strongly encouraged to use your own words instead of copying directly from books, technical reports, etc. The Standard International Units (SI) should be used.

Click  Sample Cover Page for ISM for the template of the Independent Study cover page

The contents of the report should be presented in the following order:

  1. Title page
  2. Abstract (no more than one A4 page)
  3. Acknowledgement page to give recognition of any advisory or financial assistance received in the course of the work on which the report is based 
  4. Table of contents
  5. List of figures (if any)
  6. List of tables (if any)
  7. List of symbols (if any)
  8. Introductory chapter 
  9. Text chapters
  10. Conclusion
  11. References
  12. Appendix/Appendices (if any)

Report Submission Timeline for Each Semester


Students who have registered for MA6788 Independent Study in this semester (Semester 1 AY2024-2025) are to adhere to the following submission deadlines. Students who have registered for MA6788 Independent Study, but do not submit the report by the deadline will be deemed as “Failed”.

Students are required to submit the Final Report and 1 copy of CD to your supervisor.


 Submit to Supervisor by Weightage Contents
Initial Brief 31 January 2025
(End of week 3)
10% Title, Objective, Scope and Schedule (maximum 2 pages)
Interim Report 28 February 2025
(End of week 7)
20% Title, Proposed Table of Contents, Objective, Scope and Literature Review
Final Report 17 April 2025
(End of week 13, excluding recess week)
70% Abstract, Introduction/literature review, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and References
 Total: 100%  



Methods of Evaluation

  • Continuous assessment by the Supervisor in discussions and/or seminars and progress reports
  • One final written report is to be submitted on the topic as formulated and specified between the Supervisor and student



Independent Study will be graded. Grade earned will count towards the computation of Grade Point Average (GPA).

The report will be assessed and graded by the Supervisor and the Moderator.

The candidate will have to repeat this course if he fails. He may be allowed to continue with the same topic under the same Supervisor in the next semester.

Candidates who are unable to complete the Independent Study report within the semester will be deemed as ‘Failed’.