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Essential Forms for Postgraduate Students

Throughout the course of your studies in MSE, you may need to submit certain forms to the School. There are a number of forms listed below. All forms must be duly signed and completed within the stipulated deadline.

Further information

If you need any other forms not mentioned above, please send an email to Ms. Serena Tan ([email protected])



1. Vacation Leave

  • With effect from 1 March 2013, submission of vacation leave request is done online via GSLink > Administrative > Graduate Student Leave System for Research. Please submit the request to your supervisor 2 weeks in advance.

2. Submission of Medical Certificate

  • With effect from 1 March 2013, submission of medicial leave is done online via GSLink > Administrative > Graduate Student Leave System for Research. Your medicial certification must be submitted as supporting documents.

3. Local Conference Application Form

4. Overseas Conference Online Application (Only accessible in NTU network) (Guide)

  • You may attend an overseas conference, which is subject to approval by the School. As a pre-requisite, you are required to do an oral presentation at the overseas conference.

5. Overseas Research Attachment

  • Your supervisor may send you for an overseas research attachment for less than 1 year. Please submit this form 4 weeks ahead of your departure.

6. Leave of Absence (LOA)

  • With effect from 12 December 2011, submission of LOA is done online via GSLink > Administrative > Leave of Absence for Graduate Student (Research). Please submit your LOA request 14 working days prior to your scheduled absence.

7. Course Exemption

  • Postgraduate students who have a Master’s degree can apply for course exemption (up to a maximum of 2 courses for Ph.D. students), subject to approval from Associate Chair (Research).
  • Graduate students who meet the HWG 703 (Graduate English) exemption criteria may complete and submit the form.


NPGS overseas conference allowance guidelines

Please click here for the guideline.