Publication Co-authors
- Jianxun Sun, Yuan Bo Li, Yiyang Ye, Jun Zhang, Gang Yih Chong, Juan Boon Tan, Zhen Liu, Tupei Chen."3D Geometric Engineering of the Double Wedge-Like Electrodes for Filament-Type RRAM Device Performance Improvement." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 4924-4934.
- Goh, Simon Chun Kiat, Li Lynn Shiau, Mohamad Shamsul Bin Mohamad, Chengkuo Lee and Chuan Seng Tan. “Highly Compact Linear Variable Filter in the Mid Infrared Region for Acetone Level Monitoring.” IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (2019): 4171-4178.
- Fakun Wang†, Qi Jie Wang*, et al. Multidimensional detection enabled by twisted black arsenic-phosphorus homojunctions. Nat. Nanotechnol. 19, 455-462, (2024).
- Tingting Wu, Chongwu Wang, Guangwei Hu, Zhixun Wang, Jiaxin Zhao, Zhe Wang, Ksenia Chaykun, Lin Liu, Mengxiao Chen, Dong Li, Song Zhu, Qihua Xiong, Zexiang Shen, Huajian Gao, Francisco J Garcia-Vidal, Lei Wei, Qi Jie Wang, Yu Luo, “Ultrastrong exciton-plasmon couplings in WS2 multilayers synthesized with a random multi-singular metasurface at room temperature”, Nature Communications, 15(1), 3295,2024
- Wenduo Chen, Song Zhu, Ruihuan Duan, Chongwu Wang, Fakun Wang, Yao Wu, Mingjin Dai, Jieyuan Cui, Sang Hoon Chae, Zhipeng Li, Xuezhi Ma, Qian Wang, Zheng Liu, Qi Jie Wang, “Extraordinary Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Interaction in NbOBr2 Microcavities”, Advanced Materials, 2024
- HT Tan, Y Gao, GJ Syaranamual, WA Sasangka, Siew Chuen Foo, KH Lee, Subramaniam Arulkumaran, Geok Ing Ng, CV Thompson, Chee Lip Gan “Investigation of the role of pre-existing oxide in the initial degradation mechanism in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under ON-state stress”, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 150, pp. 115165, Nov 2023
- Loke Wan Khai, Wang Yue, Xie Hanlin, Tan Hui Teng, Bao Shuyu, Lee Kwang Hong, Khaw Lina, Kenneth Lee Eng Kian, Tan Chuan Seng, Ng Geok Ing, Eugene A Fitzgerald, Yoon Soon Fatt, “”Layer-transferred gallium arsenide heterojunction bipolar transistor on insulator substrate”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Vol 296, pp. 116665, Oct 2023
- H. Joo†, Y. Kim†, M. Chen, D. Burt, L. Zhang, B. Son, M. Luo, Z. Ikonic, C. Lee, Y. Cho, C. Tan, and D. Nam*, “All-around HfO2 stressor for tensile strain in GeSn-on-insulator nanobeam lasers,” Advanced Optical Materials 11, 2301115 (2023)
- J. Tan†, X. Shi†, K. Lu, H. Joo, Y. Kim, M. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Tan, K. Lim, E. Quek, and D. Nam*, “Enhanced second-harmonic generation in strained germanium-on-insulator microdisks for integrated quantum photonic technologies,” Optics Letters 48, 4269-4271 (2023)
- Y. Kim†, S. Assali†, H. Joo, S. Koelling, M. Chen, L. Luo, X. Shi, D. Burt, Z. Ikonic, D. Nam*, and O. Moutanabbir*, “Short-wave infrared cavity resonances in a single GeSn nanowire,” Nature Communications 14, 4393 (2023)
- Q. Chen, Y. Jung, H. Zhou, S. Wu, X. Gong, Y. Huang, K. Lee, L. Zhang, D. Nam, J. Liu, J. Luo, W. Fan, and C. Tan, “GeSn/Ge multiquantum-well vertical-cavity surface-emitting p-i-n structures and diode emitters on a 200 mm Ge-on-insulator platform," ACS Photonics 10, 1716-1725 (2023)
- K. Lu†, M. Luo†, W. Gao, Q. Wang, H. Sun*, and D. Nam*, “Strong second-harmonic generation in non-uniformly strained monolayer graphene,” Nature Communications 14, 2580 (2023)
- M. Atalla†, Y. Kim†, S. Assali, D. Burt, D. Nam*, and O. Moutanabbir*, “Extended-SWIR GeSn LEDs with reduced footprint and efficient operation power,” ACS Photonics 10, 1649-1653 (2023)
- Y. Kim†, H. Joo†, M. Chen, B. Son, D. Burt, X. Shi, L. Zhang, Z. Ikonic, C. Tan, and D. Nam*, “High-precision wavelength tuning of GeSn nanobeam lasers via optically controlled strain engineering,” Advanced Science, 2207611 (2023)
- D. Burt†, L. Zhang†, Y. Jung, H. Joo, Y. Kim, M. Chen, B. Son, W. Fan, Z. Ikonic, C. Tan, and D. Nam*, “Tensile strained direct bandgap GeSn microbridges enabled in GeSnOI substrates with residual tensile strain,” Optics Letters 48, 735-738 (2023)
- Source of two-dimensional electron gas in unintentionally doped AlGaN/GaN multichannel high-electron-mobility transistor heterostructures—Experimental evidence of the hole trap state, R. Lingaparthi ; N. Dharmarasu ; K. Radhakrishnan ; Lili Huo. Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 092105 (2023).
- Origin of the Two-dimensional Hole Gas and Criteria for its Existence in the III-Nitride Heterostructures, R. Lingaparthi, N. Dharmarasu and K. Radhakrishnan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 (17), 172103 (2023).
- Fakun Wang, Fangchen Hu, Mingjin Dai, Song Zhu, Fangyuan Sun, Ruihuan Duan, Chongwu Wang, Jiayue Han, Wenjie Deng, Wenduo Chen, Ming Ye, Song Han, Bo Qiang, Yuhao Jin, Yunda Chua, Nan Chi, Shaohua Yu, Donguk Nam, Sang Hoon Chae, Zheng Liu, Qi Jie Wang, 1. A two-dimensional mid-infrared optoelectronic retina enabling simultaneous perception and encoding, Nature Communications 14 (1), 1938 (2023
- Song Han†,#, Yunda Chua†, Yongquan Zeng*, Bofeng Zhu#, Chongwu Wang#, Bo Qiang#, Yuhao Jin, Qian Wang, Lianhe Li, Alexander Giles Davies, Edmund Harold Linfield, Yidong Chong, Baile Zhang, and Qi Jie Wang*, "Photonic Majorana quantum cascade laser with polarization-winding emission", Nature Communications, 14, 707, 2023
- Jieyuan Cui†,#, Yunda Chua†,#, Song Han*, Chongwu Wang#, Yuhao Jin, Jinghao Li, Yongquan Zeng, Qian Wang, Ming Ye#, Wenduo Chen, Song Zhu#, Fangyuan Sun#, Lianhe Li, Alexander Giles Davies, Edmund Harold Linfield, Chuan Seng Tan, and Qi Jie Wang*, "Single-mode electrically pumped terahertz laser in an ultracompact cavity via merging bound states in the continuum", Laser & Photonics Review, 2300350, 2023
- Song Han†,#,*, Jieyuan Cui†,#, Yunda Chua†, Yongquan Zeng, Liangxing Hu, Mingjin Dai#, Fakun Wang#, Fangyuan Sun#, Song Zhu#, Lianhe Li, Alexander Giles Davies, Edmund Harold Linfield, Chuan Seng Tan, Yuri kivshar, and Qi Jie Wang*, "Electrically-pumped compact topological bulk lasers driven by band-inverted bound states in the continuum", Light: Science & Applicationss, 12(1), 145, 2023
- Fakun Wang†, Fangchen Hu†, Qi Jie Wang*, et al. "A two-dimensional mid-infrared optoelectronic retina enabling simultaneous perception and encoding", Nature Communications, 14, 1938, 2023
- Jiayue Han†, Fakun Wang†, Qi Jie Wang*, et al. Mid-infrared bipolar and unipolar linear polarization detections in Nb2GeTe4/MoS2 heterostructures. Adv. Mater. 35, 2305594, (2023)
- Y. J. Kim, M. R. Kumar, G. M. Kumar, and M. Kim*, “Self-powered silicon metal– semiconductor–metal photodetector based on asymmetric Schottky barrier heights”, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 252111 (2023). - This article has been selected as an Editor’s pick article
- Z. Zheng, Y. Zhao, P. Jian, S. Tan, F. Wu*, W. Liu, Y. Yang, M. Kim, J. Dai*, C. Chen, “High-performance shortwave deep-UV response-enhanced photodetector based on nanoporous AlGaO/AlGaN with efficient light-harvesting”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11, 16719- 16727 (2023)
- Y. Liao, Y. J. Kim, and M. Kim*, “p-GaN/n-IGZO self-powered ultraviolet photodetector with ultralow dark current and high sensitivity”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 476, 146838 (2023)
- H. Park*, A. Morisset, M. Kim, H.-S. Lee, A. Hessler-Wyesr, F.-J. Haug, and C. Ballif, “Passivating contact-based tunnel junction Si solar cells using machine learning for tandem cell applications”, Energy and AI, 14, 100299 (2023)
- Z. Qiao, Z. Yuan, S. Zhu, C. Gong, Y. Liao, X. Gong, M. Kim, D. Zhang, and Y.-C. Chen*, “High orbital angular momentum lasing with tunable degree of chirality in a symmetry-broken microcavity”, Optica, 10(7), 846-853 (2023)
- Y. Liao, Y. J. Kim, S. An, and M. Kim*, “Plasma-free Metal-assisted Chemical Etching Producing Three-dimensional Gallium Nitride Structures”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11(40), 13707-13713 (2023)
- B. Son*, S.-H. Shin, Z.-J. Zhao, B.-K. Ju, J.-H. Jeong, M. Kim*, and C. S. Tan, “High‐Efficiency Silicon Nanowire Array Near Infrared Photodetectors via Length Control and SiOx Surface Passivation”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2300131 (2023)
- Y.-C. Tai, S. An, P.-R. Huang, Y.-T. Jheng, K.-C. Lee, H.-H. Cheng, M. Kim*, and G.-E. Chang*, “Transfer‐Printing‐Enabled GeSn Flexible Resonant‐Cavity‐Enhanced Photodetectors with Strain‐Amplified Mid‐Infrared Optical Responses”, Nanoscale, 15(17), 7745-7754 (2023)
- Z. Wang, G. Fang, Z. Gao, Y. Liao, C. Gong, M. Kim, G.-E. Chang, S. Feng, T. Xu, T. Liu, and Y.-C. Chen*, “Autonomous Microlasers for Profiling Extracellular Vesicles from Cancer Spheroids”, Nano Letters, 23(7), 2502-2510 (2023)
- Y. Liao, Y. J. Kim, J. Lai, J.-H. Seo, and M. Kim*, “Antireflective GaN Nanoridge Texturing by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching via a Thermally Dewetted Pt Catalyst Network for Highly Responsive Ultraviolet Photodiodes”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(10), 13343 (2023)
- Y. J. Kim, S. An, Y. Liao, X. P.-R. Huang, B. Son, C. S. Tan, G.-E. Chang, and M. Kim*, “Flexible TiN/Ge photodetectors with enhanced responsivity via localized surface plasmon resonance and strain modulation”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11(13), 4520-4525 (2023)
- S. An, H. Park, and M. Kim*, “Recent advances in single crystalline narrow band-gap semiconductor nanomembranes and their flexible optoelectronic device applications: Ge, GeSn, InGaAs, and 2D materials”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11, 2430-2448 (2023)
- H. Park, J. Kim, D. Choi, S.-W. Lee, D. Kang, H.-S. Lee, D. Kim, M. Kim*, and Y. Kang*, “Boron‐doped polysilicon using spin‐on doping for high‐efficiency both‐side passivating contact silicon solar cells”, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 31(5) 461-473 (2023)
- S. An, Y.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Wu, P.-R. Huang, G.-E. Chang, J. Lai, J.-H. Seo, and M. Kim*, “Single-Crystalline Ge1−xSnx/Si p–n Heterojunction Photodiodes with Sn Compositions up to 10%”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2201136 (2023)
- Chen, Q.; Wu, S.; Zhang, L.; Zhou, H.; Fan, W.; Tan, C. S., "Transferable Single-Layer GeSn Nanomembrane Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Photodetectors for 2 Μm Band Optical Communication and Multi-Spectral Short-Wave Infrared Sensing", Nanoscale (2022).
- Zhou, H.; Chen, Q.; Wu, S.; Zhang, L.; Guo, X.; Son, B.; Tan, C. S., "Grating and Hole-Array Enhanced Germanium Lateral p-i-n Photodetectors on an Insulator Platform", Opt. Express, 30 (4), 4706 (2022).
- Wu, S.; Xu, S.; Zhou, H.; Jin, Y.; Chen, Q.; Huang, Y.-C.; Zhang, L.; Gong, X.; Tan, C. S., "High-Performance Back-Illuminated Ge 0.92 Sn 0.08 /Ge Multiple-Quantum-Well Photodetector on Si Platform For SWIR Detection", IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., 28 (2), 1–9 (2022).
- Yongmin He , Liren Liu, Chao Zhu , Shasha Guo, Prafful Golani, Bonhyeong Koo, Pengyi Tang, Zhiqiang Zhao, Manzhang Xu , Chao Zhu, Peng Yu, Xin Zhou, Caitian Gao, Xuewen Wang , Zude Shi, Lu Zheng, Jiefu Yang, Byungha Shin, Jordi Arbiol , Huigao Duan, Yonghua Du , Marc Heggen, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Wanlin Guo, Qi Jie Wang, Zhuhua Zhang , and Zheng Liu , “Amorphizing noble metal chalcogenide catalysts at the single-layer limit towards hydrogen production”, Nature Catalysis, 1727, 6 (2022).
- M Dai, C Wang, M Ye, S Zhu, S Han, F Sun, W Chen, Y Jin, Y Chua, and Qi Jie Wang “High-Performance, Polarization-Sensitive, Long-Wave Infrared Photodetection via Photothermoelectric Effect with Asymmetric van der Waals Contacts”, ACS Nano, 16, 1, 295–305 (2022).
- Manlin Luo, Hao Sun, Zhipeng Qi, Kunze Lu, Melvina Chen, Dongho Kang, Youngmin Kim, Daniel Burt, Xuechao Yu, Chongwu Wang, Young Duck Kim, Hong Wang, Qi Jie Wang, and Donguk Nam, “Triaxially strained suspended graphene for large-area pseudo-magnetic fields” Applied Physics Letters, 47, 9, 2174-2177 (2022).
- Jinghao Li, Fangyuan Sun, Yuhao Jin, Yun Da Chua, Kian Hua Tan, Satrio Wicaksono, Carlo Sirtori, Soon Fatt Yoon, and Qi Jie Wang, “Widely tunable single-mode slot waveguide quantum cascade laser array”, Optics Express, 30, 1, 629-640 (2022).
- Bongkwon Son, Sang-Ho Shin, Yuhao Jin*, Yikai Liao, Zhi-Jun Zhao, Jun-Ho Jeong, Qi Jie Wang, Xincai Wang, Chuan Seng Tan and Munho Kim, “A heavily doped germanium pyramid array for tunable optical antireflection in the broadband mid-infrared range”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, 5797-5804 (2022).Z. Qiao, X. Li, J. X. B. Sia, W.
- Z. Qiao, X. Li, J. X. B. Sia, W. Wang, H. Wang, L. Li, Z. Li, Z. Zhao, G. Liu, H. Chen, Y. Qu, X. Gao, B. Bo, and C. Liu, “Mode-locked operation characteristics of a monolithic integrated two-section InGaAs/GaAs double quantum wells laser with asymmetric waveguide”, Opt. Laser Technol., vol. 147, p. 107702 (2022).
- Z. Qiao, X. Li, J. X. B. Sia, W. Wang, H. Wang, Z. Li, Z. Zhao, L. Li, X. Gao, B. Bo, Y. Qu, G. Liu, and C. Liu, “Modal gain characteristics of a two-section InGaAs/GaAs double quantum well passively mode-locked laser with asymmetric waveguide”, Sci. Rep., vol. 12, p. 5010 (2022).
- X. Li, J. X. B. Sia, J. Wang, Z. Qiao, W. Wang, X. Guo, H. Wang, and C. Liu, “Optical frequency comb generation from a 1.65 μm single-section quantum well laser”, Opt. Express, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 4117 (2022).
- Y. Jung, D. Burt, Y. Kim, H. Joo, M. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Tan, and D. Nam, “Optically pumped low-threshold microdisk lasers in GeSn-on-insulator with reduced defect density,” Photonics Research 10, 06001332 (2022)
- Y. Kim, S. Assali, D. Burt, Y. Jung, H. Joo, M. Chen, D. Kang, Z. Ikonic, O. Moutanabbir and D. Nam, “Enhanced GeSn microdisk lasers directly released on Si," Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2101213 (2022)
- Bongkwon Son, Yadong Wang, Manlin Luo, Kunze Lu, Youngmin Kim, Hyo-Jun Joo, Yu Yi, Chongwu Wang, Qi Jie Wang, Sang Hoon Chae#, Donguk Nam#Efficient Avalanche Photodiodes with a WSe2/MoS2 Heterostructure via Two-Photon Absorption,Nano Letter, 22 (23), 9516-9522 (2022)
- Whiteside M., Arulkumaran S. and Ng G. I., ‘Demonstration of vertically-ordered h-BN/AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistors on Si substrate’, Mater. Sci. and Eng. B 270 (2021) p.115224.
- R. Lingaparthi, N. Dharmarasu, K. Radhakrishnan, A. Ranjan, Tian Long Alex Seah , “Source of two-dimensional electron gas in unintentionally doped AlGaN/GaN multichannel high-electron-mobility transistor heterostructures,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 122105 (2021).
- A. Ranjan, R. Lingaparthi, N. Dharmarasu, and K. Radhakrishnan, “Enhanced NO2 Gas Sensing Performance of Multigate Pt/AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 168 (4), 047502 (2021).
- Sergio G.-S., Ignacio T. I., Susana P., Ranjan K., Manvi A., Ravikiran L., Dharmarasu N., Radhakrishnan, K; Arulkumaran S., Ng G.I., Tomas G. and Javier M. ‘Non-linear thermal resistance model for the simulation of high power GaN-based devices’, Semicon. Sci. and Technol. 29 Mar 2021.
- Fiedler H., Leveneur J., Mitchell D.R.G., Arulkumaran S., Ng G. I., Alphones A., and Kennedy J, ‘Enhancing the piezoelectric modulus of wurtzite AlN by ion beam strain engineering’, Appl. Phys. Lett., 118 (2021) 012108.
- Hao Zhou, Lin Zhang, Jinchao Tong, Shaoteng Wu, Bongkwon Son, Qimiao Chen, Dao Hua Zhang and Chuan Seng Tan. "Surface plasmon enhanced GeSn photodetectors operating at 2 µm." Optics Express, Vol. 29, No. 6 (2021): 8498-8509.
- Jinchao Tong, Fei Suo, Tianning Zhang, Zhiming Huang, Junhao Chu and Dao Hua Zhang. "Plasmonic semiconductor nanogroove array enhanced broad spectral band millimetre and terahertz wave detection" Light: Science & Applications, Vol. 10, No. 58 (2021): 1-10.
- Landobasa Y. M. Tobing, Michał Wasiak, Dao Hua Zhang, Weijun Fan and Tomasz Czyszanowski.
"Nearly total optical transmission of linearly polarized light through transparent electrode composed of GaSb monolithic high-contrast grating integrated with gold" Nanophotonics, Vol. 10, No. 15 (2021): 0286. - Lin Liu, Landobasa Y. M. Tobing, Tingting Wu, Bo Qiang, Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal, Dao Hua Zhang, Qi Jie Wang and Yu Luo. "Plasmon-induced thermal tuning of few-exciton strong coupling in 2D atomic crystals" Optica, Vol. 8, No. 11 (2021): 1416-1423.
- Zhi-Jun Zhao, Sang-Ho Shin, Sang Yeon Lee, Bongkwon Son, Yikai Liao, Soonhyoung Hwang, Sohee Jeon, Hyeokjoong Kang, Munho Kim* and Jun-Ho Jeong, “Nanotransfer Printing with Wafer-Scale Uniformity and Controllability”, ACS Nano, 16 (1) (2022) p.378–385.
- Lin, Y.; Ma, D.; Hong Lee, K.; Wen, R.-T.; Syaranamual, G.; Kimerling, L. C.; Seng Tan, C.; Michel, J., "PIC-Integrable, Uniformly Tensile-Strained Ge-on-Insulator Photodiodes Enabled by Recessed SiN x Stressor", Photonics Res, 9 (7), 1255 (2021).
- Chen, Q.; Wu, S.; Zhang, L.; Burt, D.; Zhou, H.; Nam, D.; Fan, W.; Tan, C. S., "GeSn-on-Insulator Dual-Waveband Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Photodetectors at the 2 Μm and 155 Μm Optical Communication Bands", Opt. Lett., 46 (15), 3809 (2021).
- Wu, S.; Zhou, H.; Chen, Q.; Zhang, L.; Lee, K. H.; Bao, S.; Fan, W.; Tan, C. S., "Suspended Germanium Membranes Photodetector with Tunable Biaxial Tensile Strain and Location-Determined Wavelength-Selective Photoresponsivity", Appl. Phys. Lett., 119 (19), 191106 (2021).
- Wu, S.; Son, B.; Zhang, L.; Chen, Q.; Zhou, H.; Goh, S. C. K.; Tan, C. S., "Effects of High-Temperature Thermal Annealing on GeSn Thin-Film Material and Photodetector Operating at 2 µm", J. Alloys Compd., 872, 159696 (2021).
- L Hu, SCK Goh, J Tao, YD Lim, P Zhao, MJZ Lim, T Salim, UM Velayutham, CS Tan, "Time-Dependent Evolution Study of Ar/N2 Plasma-Activated Cu Surface for Enabling Two-Step Cu-Cu Direct Bonding in a Non-Vacuum Environment", ECS Journal of Solid-State Science and Technology, 10(12), (2021).
- H. Joo, Y. Kim, D. Burt, Y. Jung, L. Zhang, M. Chen, S. Parluhutan, D. Kang, C. Lee, S. Assali, O. Moutanabbir, Y. Cho, C. Tan, and D. Nam, “1D photonic crystal direct bandgap GeSn-on-insulator laser”, Applied Physics Letters 119, 201101 (2021)
- X. Gao, H. Sun, Q. Wang, and D. Nam, “Heterostrain‐enabled dynamically tunable moiré superlattice in twisted bilayer graphene”, Scientific Reports 11, 21402 (2021)
- D. Burt, H. Joo, Y. Jung, Y. Kim, M. Chen, Y. Huang, and D. Nam, “Strain-relaxed GeSn-on-insulator (GeSnOI) microdisks”, Optics Express 28, 28959-28967 (2021)
- D. Kang, H. Sun, M. Luo, K. Lu, M. Chen, Y. Kim, Y. Jung, X. Gao, S. Parluhutan, J. Ge, S. Koh, D. Giovanni, T. Sum, Q. Wang, H. Li, and D. Nam, “Pseudo-magnetic field-induced slow carrier dynamics in periodically strained graphene”, Nature Communications 12, 5087 (2021)
- Y. Jung, Y. Kim, D. Burt, H. Joo, D. Kang, M. Luo, M. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Tan, and D. Nam, “Biaxially strained germanium crossbeam with high-quality optical cavity for on-chip laser applications”, Optics Express 29, 14174-14181 (2021)
- X. Li, J. X. B. Sia, W. Wang, Z. Qiao, X. Guo, Y. Zhang, Z. Niu, C. Tong, H. Wang, and C. Liu, “Phase noise reduction of a 2 μm GaSb-based passively mode-locked laser through hybrid III-V/silicon integration”, Optica, vol. 8, no. 6, p. 855 (2021).(IF: 11.1)
- J. X. B. Sia, X. Li, W. Wang, Z. Qiao, X. Guo, J. Wang, C. Littlejohns, C. Liu, G. T. Reed, K. S. Ang, and H. Wang, “Compact, hybrid III-V/silicon vernier laser diode operating from 1955–1992 nm”, IEEE Photon. J., vol. 13, no. 6, p. 1500205 (2021).
- ZHONGLIANG QIAO , XIANG LI, JIA XUBRIAN SIA , WANJUN WANG, HONG WANG , LIN LI, ZAIJIN LI, ZHIBIN ZHAO, YI QU, XIN GAO, BAOXUE BO, AND CHONGYANG LIU, "Stable Mode-Locked Operation With High Temperature Characteristics of a Two-Section InGaAs/GaAs Double Quantum Wells Laser", IEEE Access (2021).
- Kyungduk Kim, Stefan Bittner, Yongquan Zeng*, Stefano Guazzotti, Ortwin Hess, Qi Jie Wang & Hui Cao, “Massively parallel ultrafast random bit generation with a chip-scale laser”, Science, 371, 948-952 (2021).
- Omar A. M. Abdelraouf*, Aravind P. Anthur,Zhaogang Dong,Hailong Liu,Qian Wang, Leonid Krivitsky, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Qi Jie Wang, and Hong Liu, “Multistate Tuning of Third Harmonic Generation in Fano-Resonant Hybrid Dielectric Metasurfaces”, Advanced Functional Material, 31, 2104627 (2021).
- Yuhao Jin*, Jinghao Li*, Yun Da Chua*, Kian Hua Tan, Satrio Wicaksono, Carlo Sirtori, Soon Fatt Yoon, and Qi Jie Wang, “Long wavelength (λ>13 μm) quantum cascade laser based on diagonal transition and three-phonon-resonance design”, Applied Physics Letters 119 (13), 131105 (2021).
- Bo Qiang*, Alexander M. Dubrovkin**, Harish N. S. Krishnamoorthy, Qian Wang, Nikolay I. Zheludev,* and Qi Jie Wang, “Germanium‐on‐Carborundum Surface Phonon‐Polariton Infrared Metamaterial” Advanced Optical Materials 9 (5), 2001652 (2021).
- Hanlin Xie, Zhihong Liu, Wenrui Hu, Zheng Zhong, Kenneth Lee, Yong-Xin Guo and Geok Ing Ng, “GaN-on-Si HEMTs Fabricated with Si CMOS-Compatible Metallization for Power Amplifiers in Low-Power Mobile SoCs”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, pp. 1-4, 17 Nov 2020
- Hanlin Xie, Zhihong Liu, Yu Gao, Kumud Ranjan, Kenneth E. Lee and Geok Ing Ng, "CMOS-compatible GaN-on-Si HEMTs with cut-off frequency of 210 GHz and record Johnson’s figure-of-merit of 8.8 THz·V," Applied Physics Express, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 026503-1-026503-4, Jan. 2020.
- Whiteside M., Arulkumaran S., Dikme Y., Sandupatla A. and Ng G. I, ‘Demonstration of AlGaN/GaN MISHEMT on Si with Low-Temperature Epitaxy Grown AlN Dielectric Gate’, MDPI Electronics 9 (2020) 1858, pp.1-8.
- Whiteside M., Arulkumaran S., Dikme Y., Sandupatla A. and Ng G. I. ‘Improved interface state density by low temperature epitaxy grown AlN for AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes’, Mater. Sci. and Eng. B 262 (2020) p.114707.
- Sandupatla A., Arulkumaran S., Ng G.I., Nitta S., John K., and Amano H., ‘Vertical GaN-on-GaN Schottky Diodes as α-particle Radiation Sensors’, MDPI Micromachines (Review), 11 (2020) 519, pp. 1-21.
- Sandupatla A., Arulkumaran S., Ranjan K., Ng G.I., Deki M., Nitta S., Honda Y., and Amano H. ‘Change of high-voltage conduction mechanism in vertical GaN–on–GaN Schottky diodes at elevated temperatures’, Applied Physics Express, 13 (2020) 074001.
- Whiteside M., Arulkumaran S., Chng S. S., Maziar S., Teo H.T.E and Ng G. I. ‘On the recovery of 2DEG properties in vertically ordered h-BN deposited AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on Si substrate’, Applied Physics Express 13 (2020) 065508.
- Ranjan K., Sandupatla A., Arulkumaran S. and Ng G.I. ‘Low Static and Dynamic On-Resistance with High Figure of Merit in AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors on Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond’, Phys. Stat. Soli (a), 2020 (2020) 1900815, pp.1-4.
- Sandupatla A., Arulkumaran S., Ranjan K., Ng G.I., Deki M., Nitta S., Honda Y., and Amano H. ‘Improved breakdown voltage in vertical GaN Schottky barrier diodes on free-standing GaN with Mg-compensated drift layer’, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59 (1), 010906 (2020).
- R. Lingaparthi, N. Dharmarasu, K. Radhakrishnan, and M. Agrawal “In-situ stress evolution and its correlation with structural characteristics of GaN buffer grown on Si substrate using AlGaN/AlN/GaN stress mitigation layers for high electron mobility transistor applications”, Thin Solid Films 708, 138128 (2020).
- S Patwal, M Agrawal, K Radhakrishnan, T. L. A Seah, N Dharmarasu, “Enhancement of 2D Electron Gas Mobility in an AlN/GaN/AlN Double‐Heterojunction High‐Electron‐Mobility Transistor by Epilayer Stress Engineering” Physica status solidi (a) 217 (7), 1900818 (2020).
- A Ranjan, M Agrawal, K Radhakrishnan, N Dharmarasu, “Effects of various functionalisation layers on ammonia gas sensing using AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors”, International Journal of Nanotechnology 17 (1), 16-28 (2020)
- Hao Zhou, Shengqiang Xu, Shaoteng Wu, Yi-Chiau Huang, Peng Zhao, Jinchao Tong, Bongkwon Son, Xin Guo, Daohua Zhang, Xiao Gong and Chuan Seng Tan."Photo detection and modulation from 1,550 to 2,000 nm realized by a GeSn/Ge multiple-quantum-well photodiode on a 300-mm Si substrate." Optics Express, Vol. 28, No. 23 (2020): 34772-34786.
- Hao Zhou, Shengqiang Xu, Yiding Lin, Yi-Chiau Huang, Bongkwon Son, Qimiao Chen, Xin Guo, Kwang Hong Lee, Simon Chun Kiat Goh, Xiao Gong and Chuan Seng Tan. "Photo deteHigh-efficiency GeSn/Ge multiple-quantum-well photodetectors with photon-trapping microstructures operating at 2 μm." Optics Express, Vol. 28, No. 7 (2020): 10280-10293.
- Zhang, L.; Chen, Q.; Wu, S.; Son, B.; Lee, K. H.; Chong, G. Y.; Tan, C. S., "Growth and Characterizations of GeSn Films with High Sn Composition by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Using Ge2H6 and SnCl4 for Mid-IR Applications", ECS Trans., 98 (5), 91–98 (2020).
- L. Hu, S. C. K. Goh, and C. S. Tan, “Ar/N2 plasma induced metastable CuxNy for Cu-Cu direct bonding”, ECS Transactions, 98(4) (2020).
- Yongquan Zeng*, Udvas Chattopadhyay, Bofeng Zhu, Bo Qiang, Jinghao Li, Yuhao Jin, Lianhe Li, Alexander Giles Davies, Edmund Harold Linfield, Baile Zhang*, Yidong Chong*, and Qi Jie Wang, “Quantum Cascade Topological Laser with Robust Edge Modes”, Nature, 578, 246–250 (2020).
- Alexander M. Dubrovkin**, Bo Qiang, Teddy Salim, Donguk Nam, Nikolay I. Zheludev, and Qi Jie Wang, “Resonant nanostructures for highly-confined and ultra-sensitive surface phonon polaritons”, Nature Communication, 11, 1863 (2020).
- Stefan Bittner, Kyungduk Kim, Yongquan Zeng, Qi Jie Wang, and Hui Cao, “Spatial structure of lasing modes in wave-chaotic semiconductor microcavities”, New Journal of Physics, 22, 083002 (2020).
- Etienne Rodriguez*, Alireza Mottaghizadeh, Djamal Gacemi, Mathieu Jeannin, Zahra Asghari, Olivier Pirali, Qi Jie Wang^, and Carlo Sirtori^, “Tunability of the Free-Spectral Range by microwave injection into a Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser”, Lasers & Photonics Reviews, 1900389 (2020).
- Yongmin He, Pengyi Tang, Zhili Hu, Qiyuan He, Luqing Wang, Wei Fu, Qingsheng Zeng, Prafful Golani, Chao Zhu, Juan Xia, Xuewen Wang, Chao Zhu, Caitian Gao, Quentin M. Ramasse, Joan Ramon Morante, Boris Yakobson, Hua Zhang, Jordi Arbiol*, Qi Jie Wang*, and Zheng Liu*, “Engineering grain boundaries at the 2D limit for the hydrogen evolution reaction”, Nature Communications, 11, 57 (2020).
- X. Li, H. Wang, Z. Qiao, Y. Zhang, Z. Niu, C. Tong, and C. Liu, “Repetition frequency variation of a 2 μm GaSb-based passively mode-locked laser”, Infrared Laser Eng., vol. 49, no. 12, p. 20201054 (2020). (invited, in Chinese).
- Jia Xu Brian Sia , Wanjun Wang, Zhongliang Qiao, Xiang Li, Tina Xin Guo, Jin Zhou, Callum G. Littlejohns , Chongyang Liu , Graham T. Reed, and Hong Wang, "Analysis of Compact Silicon Photonic Hybrid Ring External Cavity (SHREC) Wavelength-Tunable Laser Diodes Operating From 1881-1947 nm", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 56, no. 6, p. 2001311 (2020).
- Jia Xu Brian Sia , Xiang Li, Zhongliang Qiao, Xin Guo, Jin Zhou, Callum G. Littlejohns , Chongyang Liu , Graham T. Reed, Wanjun Wang, and Hong Wang, "1 × N (N = 2, 8) Silicon Selector Switch for Prospective Technologies at the 2 μm Waveband", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(18), 1127 (2020).
- Jia Xu Brian Sia, Xiang Li, Wanjun Wang, Zhongliang Qiao, Xin Guo, Jin Zhou, Callum G. Littlejohns, Chongyang Liu, Graham T. Reed, and Hong Wang, "Sub-kHz linewidth, hybrid III-V/silicon wavelength-tunable laser diode operating at the application-rich 1647-1690 nm", Optics Express, 28(17), 25215 (2020).
- Minmin Zhu, Soon Siang Chng, Weifan Cai, Chongyang Liu and Zehui Du, "Piezoelectric polymer nanofibers for pressure sensors and their applications in human activity monitoring", RSC Advances, 10, 21887 (2020).
- Soon Siang Chng, Minmin Zhu, Jing Wu, Xizu Wang, Zhi Kai Ng, Keke Zhang, Chongyang Liu, Maziar Shakerzadeh, Siuhon Tsang, Edwin Hang Tong Teo, "Nitrogen-mediated aligned growth of hexagonal BN films for reliable high-performance InSe transistors", Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2020)
- JIA XU BRIAN SIA, WANJUN WANG, ZHONGLIANG QIAO, XIANG LI, XIN GUO, JIN ZHOU, CALLUM G. LITTLEJOHNS, ZECEN ZHANG, CHONGYANG LIU, GRAHAM T. REED, AND HONG WANG, "Compact silicon photonic hybrid ring external cavity (SHREC)/InGaSb-AlGaAsSb wavelength-tunable laser diode operating from 1881-1947 nm", Optics Express, 28(4), 5134 (2020).
- Hanchao Li, Hanlin Xie, Yue Wang, Subramaniam Arulkumaran and Geok Ing Ng, et al.. First Demonstration of High-Frequency InAlN/GaN HEMT using GaN-on-Insulator Technology via 200 mm Wafer Bonding. 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14), Nov 2023, Nagoya, Japan.
- Hanlin Xie, Yue Wang, Hanchao Li, Subramaniam Arulkumaran and Geok Ing Ng, et al.. High-Al-Composition Al0.65Ga0.35N/GaN MISHEMTs on Si Fabricated with CMOS-Compatible Metallization for mm-Wave Applications. 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14), Nov 2023, Nagoya, Japan.
- A new insight on the co-existence of two-dimensional electron– and hole– gases and their properties in III-N heterostructures R. Lingaparthi, N. Dharmarasu, and K. Radhakrishnan, S. Patwa, and H. Lili, International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14), Fukuoka, Japan, Nov 12-18, 2023.
- R. Lingaparthi, N. Dharmarasu, K. Radhakrishnan, Investigation of two-dimensional electron and hole gases in AlGaN/GaN multichannel high-electron-mobility transistors, 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2023), 26 to 30 June 2023 at Suntec, Singapore.
- S. Mondal, R. Lingaparthi, Seah Tian Long Alex, N. Dharmarasu, Radhakrishnan. K, Kwang Hong Lee, Lina Khaw and Kenneth E. Lee, Crack free GaN HEMT heterostructure on carrier Si wafer for larger diameter GaN HEMT on Diamond substrate, 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2023), 26 to 30 June 2023 at Suntec, Singapore.
- L. Hu, Y. D. Lim, P. Zhao, M. J. Z. Lim, and C. S. Tan, “Two-step Ar/N2 plasma-activated Al surface for Al-Al direct bonding”, 2022 IEEE 72nd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) (2022).
- L. Hu, Y. D. Lim, P. Zhao, M. J. Z. Lim, and C. S. Tan, “Plasma-activated Cu-Cu direct bonding in ambient for die-die and die-wafer bonding”, 2022 6th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM) (2022).
- Hanlin Xie, Zhihong Liu, Yu Gao, Kenneth E. Lee and Geok Ing Ng, "100 nm T-Gate GaN-On-Si HEMTs Fabricated with CMOS-Compatible Metallization for Microwave and Mm-Wave Applications", 2021 5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), Chengdu, China, 8-11 Apr 2021.
- R. Lingaparthi, N. Dharmarasu, and K. Radhakrishnan, Effects of high Si doping in GaN Epilayers grown by Plasma-assisted MBE, Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), May 2021, online.
- S. Patwa, N. Dharmarasu, M. Agrawal, Seah Tian Long Alex , K. Radhakrishnan, and Ravikiran Lingaparthi. “Stress engineering in two-step AlN buffer growth on SiC substrate using PA-MBE”, Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), May 2021, online.
- Akhil Ranjan, S. Patwal, N. Dharmarasu, K. Radhakrishnan, and R. Lingaparthi, “Enhanced NO2 gas sensing performance of Gas sensors using high 2DEG density GaN HEMT heterostructures”, Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), May 2021, online.
- L Hu, J Tao, S Bao, SCK Goh, YD Lim, P Zhao, MJZ Lim, SC Tan, KH Chew, CS Tan, "Systematic Investigation and Characterization of Ag Paste for LED Die Attach", IEEE 23rd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 140-143 (2021).
- L Hu, SCK Goh, YD Lim, P Zhao, MJZ Lim, CS Tan, "Multi-Die to Wafer Bonding Through Plasma-Activated Cu-Cu Direct Bonding in Ambient Conditions", IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), 1-5 (2021).
- L Hu, SCK Goh, J Tao, YD Lim, P Zhao, MJZ Lim, CS Tan, "In-depth parametric study of Ar or N2 plasma activated Cu surfaces for Cu-Cu direct bonding", IEEE 71st Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 420-425 (2021).
- X. Li, J. X. B. Sia, Z. Qiao, W. Wang, X. Guo, H. Wang, and C. Liu, “2 μm GaSb-based semiconductor laser sources,” International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP) 2021, Xi'an, 2021. (keynote)
- Sandupatla A., Arulkumaran S., Ng G.I., Ranjan K., Deki M., Nitta S., Honda Y., and Amano H., “Change of conduction mechanism in vertical GaN-on-GaN Schottky diodes at elevated temperatures” Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM), 16-18 Mar 2020, Malaysia.
- Sandupatla A., Arulkumaran S., Ng G.I., Ranjan K., Murmu P., Kennedy J., Deki M., Nitta S., Honda Y., and Amano H., “Low leakage Mg-compensated GaN Schottky diodes on free-standing GaN substrate for high efficiency α-particle detection”, Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM), 16-18 Mar 2020, Malaysia.
- Ranjan K., Arulkumaran S., Ng G. I., and Sandupatla A., “Low interface trap density in AlGaN/GaN Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistors (MIS-HEMTs) on CVD-Diamond,” Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM), 16-18 Mar 2020, Malaysia