Dr Xu Chengwei

Dr Xu Chengwei, Research Fellow

Dr Xu Chengwei
Research Fellow

​Contact: (65) 6592 1720
Email: [email protected]
Office location: S3.2-B4-Room 3 



Research Interests
Behavioural Public Administration, Smart Cities, Tax Policies, Foreign Investments in South and East and Pacific Region, and Public Governance

Dr Xu Chengwei received his PhD degree in Public Policy and Global Affairs from NTU Singapore in 2018. Before he joined NCPA, he was a research fellow at Singapore Management University (SMU). Dr Xu's research primarily focuses on behavioral public administration, health policies, smart city, and international tax policies. During the past four years, Dr Xu conducted a series of studies on East Asian public employees' motivation for public services (e.g., public employees' career motivation and work motivation), from which he published three journal articles and a book chapter. Recently, he was focusing on how international tax competition and other political-economic factors impact on inbound foreign investments and how foreign investments influence domestic income inequality in the South and East Asia & Pacific region. His publications have appeared in various peer-reviewed journals, such as the International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Public Administration (in Chinese), Journal of Public Management (in Chinese), Public Personnel Management(forthcoming), and Public Performance & Management Review.

Xu Chengwei


(65) 6592 1720
电邮地址: [email protected]

公共组织行为, 智慧城市, 税收政策,亚太地区跨国投资,以及公共治理等。

许成委博士于2018年自南洋理工大学社会科学学院获得公共政策与全球事务博士学位。在加入南洋公共管理研究院之前,他曾在新加坡管理大学(SMU)担任研究员。他过去的研究主要集中在行为公共管理、卫生政策、智慧城市和国际税收政策等。在过去四年里,许博士聚焦东亚情境下的公务员行为与动机展开一系列研究,如公务员的求职动机与工作动机等,这项研究扎根于东亚特殊文化情景下的公共管理理论,相关的研究成果先后被公共管理领域一些主要的期刊接受和发表。过去两年里,他也针对南亚、东亚与太平洋国家(South and East Asia & Pacific)的海外投资(FDI)进行研究。核心关注税收竞争和国内政治经济因素如何影响入境FDI的变化,以及这些来自海外的投资如何影响国内收入的不平等。许博士的研究成果主要发表在公共管理类的学术期刊上, 如International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Public Personnel Management(forthcoming), and Public Performance & Management Review, 公共行政学报, 公共管理学报, 甘肃行政学院学报等。 ​​​