Published on 07 Oct 2024

Associate Professor Victor Lim Fei publishes 12 publications, speaks at 3 different events, and is appointed as a member for 4 different boards

Associate Professor Victor Lim Fei from NIE’s English Language and Literature Academic Department (ELL), published the following 12 publications.

  1. Co-published an edited book titled “Designing Learning with Digital Technologies: Perspectives from Multimodality” in the Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology Series

  2. Co-wrote a book chapter titled “Learning with technologies in the digital age” in the Designing Learning with Digital Technologies: Perspectives from Multimodality book
  3. Co-wrote a book chapter titled “Developing a pedagogic metalanguage for primary students’ learning and engagement with hypermedia” in the Designing Learning with Digital Technologies: Perspectives from Multimodality book
  4. Co-wrote a book chapter titled “Designing for collaborative critical reading online with WiREAD+” in the Designing Learning with Digital Technologies: Perspectives from Multimodality book
  5. Co-wrote a book chapter titled “The multimodal turn in higher education” in the Current Trends in EMI and Multimodality in Higher Education book
  6. Wrote a book chapter titled “Multimodality and Learning: Desiderata for Designing Social Futures” in the Empowering Language Learners in a Changing World through Pedagogies of Multiliteracies book
  7. Co-wrote a journal article titled “Adolescents’ use of digital media during the pandemic: Implications for literacy” in the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
  8. Wrote a journal article titled “Mapping the lesson: network graph and microgenres” in the Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy
  9. Wrote a journal article titled “Thinking and Talking About Digital News in the Singapore Secondary English Classroom: a Pilot Study” in the English Teaching & Learning journal
  10. Co-wrote a journal article titled “Commodifying the self: a multimodal analysis of college Youtubers’ first day videos” in The Journal of International Communication
  11. Co-wrote a journal article titled “Apps for English Language Learning: A Systematic Review” in The Journal of Teaching English with Technology
  12. Received a Mandarin Translation of Monograph “Designing Learning with Embodied Teaching: Perspectives from Multimodality” – “多模态视域的具身教学设计林飞 作 刘丹 译

He also received 2 book reviews:

  1. Designing Learning for Multimodal Literacy: Teaching Viewing and Representing” by Dan Liu in the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
  2. Designing Learning with Digital Technologies: Perspectives from Multimodality in Education” by Enyao Li in the journal of Social Semiotics.

 He was also invited to speak at the following events:

  1. Invited Keynote Speaker on “The Significance of Artificial Intelligence and E-Learning for Curriculum Guidelines in Singapore” at the Research Office of International Curriculum Guidelines Seminar hosted by the National Academy for Educational Research in Taipei, Taiwan on 25 April 2024. In this keynote to the policy makers and curriculum planners from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, he discussed the issues on the use of GenAI in teaching and learning, while describing and reflecting on the initiatives taken in Singapore to equip teachers as designers of learning who harnesses the affordances of GenAI tools effectively and responsibly.


  2. Invited Keynote Speaker on “From Language to Literacy: Learning in the Digital Age” at the 2024 Practice and Pedagogy in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL) Conference co-hosted by the National Taichung University of Education and PPTELL Association held in Taichung, Taiwan from 16th to 17th May 2024. In this keynote, he discussed the developments in designing learning in the digital age and offer a research and practice agenda for the next decade, with the goal of furthering the meaningful and effective design of learning with digital technologies.

  3. Invited Keynote Speaker on “The Case for Educational Semiotics in English Language Teaching” at the 2024 Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (ALLT) Conference organized by the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology held in Taipei, Taiwan from 19th to 20th April 2024. In this keynote, he discussed the tenets of educational semiotics in relation to examples from his research. These include a semiotic awareness in the teacher's embodied teaching in the design of the learning experience, recognising learning as design, teaching multimodal literacy and valuing students’ lifeworld literacies.

Lastly, he was appointed as a member for the following boards.

  1. Appointed on Advisory Board for 12th International Conference on Multimodality.
  2. Appointed on Advisory Board for “Pathways to Multimodality” Book Series, de Gruyter.
  3. Appointed International Advisory Board Member for Anders Björkvall, Arlene Archer & Zach Simpson’s Swedish Research Council Project “Inclusive participation in higher education: A multimodal genre perspective from Sweden and South Africa (IpSSA)
  4. Appointed International Board Member for Marina Wernholm, Kristina Danielsson, Andreas Ebbelind, Hanna Palmer, Emelie Patron’s Swedish Research Council Project “Exploring Six-year-olds’ Meaning-making in different Subjects through Multimodal Teaching and Their Creation of Digital Animations”.