Dr Kenneth Lim Yang Teck hosts the Professional Development Leave and Industrial Attachment of a senior teacher and a senior lecturer
Dr Lim Yang Teck Kenneth, Education Research Scientist at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP), was chosen by a Senior Teacher of a local independent school, as well as a Senior Lecturer of a local polytechnic, to host their Professional Development Leave and their Industrial Attachment, respectively.
During the month of February 2023, Senior Teacher Mr Ang Joo Liak from Nanyang Girls’ High School, spent part of his Professional Development Leave to meet and interact with Dr Lim and his undergraduate students, as well as like-minded teachers from other schools to engage in discussion around the affordances for learning of Data Science and the Internet of Things.
On the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science, Senior Lecturer Ms Sharon Tan from Republic Polytechnic, has independently chosen to have her Industrial Attachment entirely hosted by Dr Lim and his team, whom she had been collaborating with as an integral and valued member since November 2022. Ms Tan also found time to reflect on the research-teaching nexus and brought her wealth of experience from the School of Infocomm, Republic Polytechnic to contribute to mutual professional growth in curricular understanding and the nurturing of AI literacies among students of all ages and backgrounds.
Senior Teacher Mr Ang Joo Liak (left) and Senior Lecturer Ms Sharon Tan (second from left), with Dr Lim (third from left) and members of his team