Published on 02 Jun 2023

Dr Lee Vwen Yen Alwyn publishes a journal article in the Studies in Educational Evaluation Journal

Dr Lee Vwen Yen Alwyn, Education Research Scientist from the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP), published a journal article titled “Supporting Students’ Generation of Feedback in Large-scale Online Course with Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Evaluation” in the Studies in Educational Evaluation journal, volume 77. This article explores the prevalent problem of large-scale online courses lacking the necessary resources to generate and provide adequate feedback for all students, and sought to address this issue by allowing students to write essays as an expression of their opinions and response to others, conduct peer and self-evaluation, using provided rubric and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled evaluation to aid the giving and receiving of feedback.

With AI-enabled evaluation, the provision of feedback can become a sustainable process with students receiving and using meaningful feedback for their work, entailing shared responsibility from teachers and students, and becoming more effective.