CET917 Applications and Reasons for Security

Course Provider

National Integrated Centre for Evaluation (NICE)


Graduate Certificate

Academic Unit



Emerging Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things systems are characterized by the interaction between the physical world and the cyber world. With the growing importance of communication, storage and sensor/actuators in such systems, hardware security is playing a major role in contrast with traditional IT security.

In this course, we will learn about the basics for key management through hardware security module and discuss various aspects of hardware security (crypto accelerator, root-of-trust, secure storage, physical and side-channel attacks) in the backdrop of different applications and industries.

The Graduate Certificate in Hardware Security Evaluation and Certification is done in collaboration the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore to train and upskill professionals in the industry as well as for professionals who are keen to join this exciting industry

This course is part of:

- Graduate Certificate in Hardware Security Evaluation and Certification

Course Availability

  • Date(s): 13 Aug 2024 to 11 Oct 2024

    Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm (refer to schedule)

    Schedule: Download here

    Venue: Virtual (Online), NTU e-Learning Platform & NTU@one-north campus

    Registration Closing Date: 23 Jul 2024

At the end of the course, learners  are able to:

  1. Understand industrial and academic demands of emerging concepts of cyber security
  2. Appreciate the increasing role of hardware security in the context of various cyber physical systems

  1. Reasons for Security
  2. Hardware Security Modules by Type
  3. Hardware Security Modules by Deployment
  4. Hardware Security by Applications
  5. Hardware Security by Industry
  6. Activity & Assessment
    a. Quizzes

Suitable for practicing cybersecurity professionals or fresh engineering graduates interested in a career of cybersecurity, specifically in the domain of hardware security evaluation, assurance and certification.

Specifically for learners who would like to understand how emerging Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things systems will impact cybersecurity and how to manage them in various industries and applications.

Such knowledge can be applicable in jobs related to hardware design, roles in certification or evaluation labs, forensic investigator, vulnerability assessment analyst etc.

Standard Course Fee: S$1,417

SSG Funding Support

 Course fee

Course fee payable after SSG funding, if eligible under various schemes


BEFORE funding & GST

AFTER funding & 9% GST

Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Permanent Residents (PRs) (Up to 70% funding)



Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)


SCs aged ≥ 40 years old
SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES)
(Up to 90% funding)

  • Standard course fee is inclusive of GST.
  • NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their $1,600 Alumni Course Credits. Click here for more information.


Read more about funding
CET916 Security Evaluation and Certification1
CET918 Hardware Security Analysis via Chip Analysis2
CET 919 Design for Trust2
CET920 Fault-Injection Attacks & Hardware Trojan1
CET921 Side-Channel-Attacks & Countermeasures 2


Listed courses are:

  • Credit-bearing and stackable to Graduate Certificate in Hardware Security Evaluation and Certification.
  • SSG funded and SkillsFuture Credit approved.