DP907B Discovering My Happy Self: A Psychological Journey

Course Provider

National Institute of Education (NIE)



Academic Unit



All of us seek to live happy and fulfilling lives, whether by getting good grades in school, climbing the corporate ladder at work or finding True  Love on earth. Yet the harder we try to be happy, the more happiness  seems to elude us. As the English playwright George Bernard Shaw  once quipped: “If you wish to read about the deeds of love in the  newspaper, you should turn to the murder column”.


Happiness is our birthright - we have the ability to develop secure attachments from young that sustain us over the course of a lifetime,  through good and bad times, due to our evolutionary origin as  mammals. Yet many of us seem to have trouble living a contented life  in this world with its burdens and cares. In our quest to be happy, some  of us even join New Age Movements and consult fortune-tellers on  happiness.

To help the average person to be happy and live the good life, positive psychology - the science of happiness - was established in the late  1990s. Since its inception, psychological research on happiness has  flourished all over the world. There is now an empirical database on  happiness which we can rely on in our quest to be happy, instead of  tapping on self-styled gurus and clairvoyants on happiness.


In this module on happiness which is targeted at beginners, participants will be introduced to the main concepts, theories and findings in positive  psychology. Participants will explore two basic ways of understanding  happiness, namely, hedonia (happiness as pleasure) and eudaimonia  (happiness as meaning). They will analyze the key components that  make up a pleasurable (hedonic happiness) as well as meaningful life  (eudaimonic happiness). Participants will learn about the roles of Nature  (genes) and Nurture (environment) in the development of happiness.  They will examine how happy people behave as opposed to unhappy  people. In addition, participants will be familiarized with various  models/theories of happiness such as the sustainable happiness  model, broaden-&-build theory of positive emotions, PERMA etc. They  will learn how to use this psychological knowledge to enhance their  happiness at home, in school, in the workplace as well as the larger  community.

There is a wide range of learning activities in this module. Participants will engage in face-to-face learning both on-campus @ NIE and on-line  @ Zoom. During these sessions, they will watch interesting videos on  happiness. To enhance their skills on how to be happy, participants will  tackle a variety of tasks on happiness. To gain insight on their happy
self, participants will complete a psychological survey on happiness and use the finding to develop their happy self. In addition to these facilitatorled  activities, participants will engage in self-directed learning by  completing off-campus individual learning tasks on happiness.


This introductory module is recommended for beginning learners who wish to learn more about the psychology of happiness and employ this  knowledge to be happy and live the good life. Completing this module  represents the beginning of a psychological journey to discover the  happy self. To quote Laozi again, the journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.


This course is part of:
Graduate Certificate in Learning and Development
FlexiMasters in Learning and Development

Learners need to complete the following courses to attain the Graduate Certificate in Learning and Development (12 AU). 
  • MDP904 Motivation, Volition and Learning in-Action
  • MDP907 How to Nurture Creative and Happy Learners (OR DP907A-C)**
  • One of the following courses:
    • MDP909 Assessment and Development of 21st Century Competencies (OR DP909A-C)**
    • MDP906 Personality and Attitude Assessment

Upon completion of all courses, learners will fulfill the AU requirements to attain the FlexiMasters in Learning and Development (16 AU).

**Learners have to complete the entire set of modularised courses to be considered as completing one course.


Download Learning Pathway e-Guide

On completion of the course, the learners should be able to:

1. Understand what is positive psychology and its key theories & findings
2. Learn the two basic ways of conceptualizing and studying happiness
3. Examine the role of Nature and Nurture in the development of happiness
4. Gain psychological insight into the happy self and how it can be developed
5. Analyze various models of happiness and apply it in different contexts to promote happiness
• Discussion of key concepts, theories and findings in the psychology of happiness
• Application of this psychological domain of knowledge to develop the happy self
A teaching qualification such as the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or at least one year of work experience in education.

Standard Course Fee: S$1,122.70

  • This course is not SSG-funded but is eligible for SkillsFuture Credit.
  • All fees stated are inclusive of 9% GST.
  • NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their $1,600 Alumni Course Credits. Click here for more information. 
    MDP904 Motivation, Volition and Learning in Action*4
    MDP906 Personality and Attitude Assessment
    MDP907 How to Nurture Creative and Happy Learners*4
    DP907A Discovering My Creative Self: A Psychological Journey1
    DP907C Discovering My Creative & Happy Self: Further In & Further Out2
    MDP909 Assessment and Development of 21st Century Competencies4
    DP909A Principles and Perspectives of Assessing 21st Century Competencies1
    DP909B Designing Task and Rubric for Assessing 21st Century Competencies1
    DP909C Assessing 21st Century Competencies2

    Listed courses are:

    • Credit-bearing and stackable to Graduate Certificate in Learning and Development (total 12AUs) and FlexiMasters in Learning and Development (total 16AUs)

    *SSG funded and SkillsFuture Credit approved