DP907C Discovering My Creative & Happy Self: Further In & Further Out

Course Provider

National Institute of Education (NIE)



Academic Unit



This module is designed for advanced learners who wish to discover more about their creative and happy self by continuing on the  psychological journey that they have started in the first two modules  (DP907A & DP907B). Participants will deepen (further in) and broaden  (further out) their exploration of the psychological terrain of creativity  and happiness in the following ways.

First, participants will examine the intimate relationships between personality, creativity and happiness. They will look at personality in  three different ways, as traits that people possess (aka Big-5 model),  goals that people pursue as well as stories that people construct to live-  by. Participants will connect this newly-acquired knowledge on  personality to their prior knowledge on creativity and happiness. With  this nuanced understanding of how personality, creativity and

happiness are intimately related, participants will be able to develop a creative and happy personality by cultivating the right traits, pursuing  the right goals and constructing the right stories to live by. In addition,  they will also gain insight on how the sociocultural environment affects  the development of the creative and happy personality.

Second, participants will examine the intimate relationships betweenculture, creativity and happiness. Participants will look at how culture affects the development of creativity - for better and for worse - by  shaping the way people construe or look at themselves as well as the  personal values they subscribe to. Participants will also analyze how  multicultural experience - exposure to two or more different cultures at  the same time - can enhance their creativity in different ways. Based  on this knowledge, participants will ponder on how to be creative in  Singapore, a cosmopolitan city which is not only a melting pot of   different races, ethnicities, languages and religions but also a crosscultural  bridge between the collectivistic cultures of the East and the  individualistic cultures of the West.


With regards to happiness, participants will develop an appreciation that happiness doesn’t coalesce in a cultural vacuum. Instead, the  cultural environment that people are exposed to from young shapes  their understanding of what it means to live as a happy person in  society. Consequently, people have different ways of being happy,  depending on the society they are born in. By gaining insight on how  people understand and pursue happiness in different cultural contexts,  participants will be better placed to deal with the cu ltural challenge of being a happy person in the society they live in.

Third, participants will examine the intimate relationships between self-determination, creativity and happiness. To be self-determined means  to chart out one’s creative and autonomous direction in life, in an open  world filled with myriad challenges and opportunities. In a similar vein,  to be self-determined means to live in accordance with one’s deepest
values and principles aka eudaimonia or happiness as meaning. Therefore, by grasping the key tenets of self-determination theory,  participants will be able to employ the conceptual tools in SDT to  explore the question of how to live a creative and fulfilling life on earth.

There is a wide range of learning activities in this module. Participants  will engage in face-to-face learning both on-campus @ NIE and on-line  @ Zoom. During these sessions, they will watch interesting videos on  happiness. To enhance their skills on how to be happy, participants will  tackle a variety of tasks on happiness. To gain insight on their happy

self, participants will complete a psychological survey on happiness and use the finding to develop their happy self. In addition to these facilitatorled  activities, participants will engage in self-directed learning by  completing off-campus individual learning tasks on happiness.


This introductory module is recommended for beginning learners who wish to learn more about the psychology of happiness and employ this  knowledge to be happy and live the good life. Completing this module  represents the beginning of a psychological journey to discover the  happy self. To quote Laozi again, the journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.


This course is part of:
Graduate Certificate in Learning and Development
FlexiMasters in Learning and Development

Learners need to complete the following courses to attain the Graduate Certificate in Learning and Development (12 AU). 

  • MDP904 Motivation, Volition and Learning in-Action
  • MDP907 How to Nurture Creative and Happy Learners (OR DP907A-C)**
  • One of the following courses:
    • MDP909 Assessment and Development of 21st Century Competencies (OR DP909A-C)**
    • MDP906 Personality and Attitude Assessment

Upon completion of all courses, learners will fulfill the AU requirements to attain the FlexiMasters in Learning and Development (16 AU).

**Learners have to complete the entire set of modularised courses to be considered as completing one course.



On completion of the course, the learners should be able to:

1a. Examine the three approaches to personality as traits that people possess, goals that people pursue and stories that people construct to live by
1b. Analyse the intimate relationships between personality, creativity and happiness
1c. Explore how to be creative and happy based on these three approaches to personality
2a. Examine the cultural influences on the development of individual creativity
2b. Analyse the cultural influences on the development of individual happiness
2c. Explore how to be creative and happy from a cross-cultural perspective
3a. Examine the key theories, concepts and findings in self-determination theory
3b. Analyse the intimate relationships between self-determination, creativity and happiness
3c. Explore how to be creative
  • Discussion of key concepts, theories and findings in personality, culture and self-determination 

    Connection of this scholarly literature on personality, culture and self-determination theory to the psychology of creativity and happiness

  • Cross-fertilization and application of these domains of psychological knowledge to develop the creative and happy self
A teaching qualification such as the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or at least one year of work experience in education.

Standard Course Fee: S$2,245.40

  • This course is not SSG-funded.
  • All fees stated are inclusive of 9% GST.
  • NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their $1,600 Alumni Course Credits. Click here for more information. 
    MDP904 Motivation, Volition and Learning in Action*4
    MDP906 Personality and Attitude Assessment
    MDP907 How to Nurture Creative & Happy Learners*4
    DP907A Discovering My Creative Self: A Psychological Journey1
    DP907B Discovering My Happy Self: A Psychological Journey1
    MDP909 Assessment and Development of 21st Century Competencies4
    DP909A Principles and Perspectives of Assessing 21st Century Competencies1
    DP909B Designing Task and Rubric for Assessing 21st Century Competencies1
    DP909C Assessing 21st Century Competencies2


    Listed courses are:

    • Credit-bearing and stackable to Graduate Certificate in Learning and Development (total 12AUs) and FlexiMasters in Learning and Development (total 16AUs)

    *SSG funded and SkillsFuture Credit approved