Infrastructure Robotics
High ceiling painting is inevitable & common in building construction, especially in industrial workshop. Its painting takes a lot of effort for details and is no doubt time consuming. Traditional high ceiling painting is manually done by means of ladders or hydraulic lifts and often results in unreliable painting quality. Moreover, the high-place operation (up to 10 meters) will create lethal danger to painting workers. This project aims to develop a mobile robot system equipped with a novel long reach mechanism for high ceiling and wall painting applications. [read more...]
Principal Investigator: Professor Chen I-Ming
Currently, outdoor wall painting process on buildings is done manually by painting workers who are carried by a manually controlled gondola platform. For each horizontal axis movement, worker will need to shift the gondola manually and the whole painting process becomes time-consuming. This is also hazardous as the painter may fall off from a great height. This project aims to develop an automated outdoor wall cleaning and painting robotics system, named Spiderman. When successful, it will provide cleaning and painting services on outdoor walls which such as HDB flats and high rise buildings. [read more...]
Principal Investigator: Professor Chen I-Ming
The Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) is designed to meet Singapore’s needs for used-water treatment, reclamation and disposal. As a preventive measure, regular inspection of the tunnel’s corrosion-protection lining is required. This project focuses on the design of the mobile robot, the on-board sensing system and the umbilical system. The robot has to cope with conditions such as flowing water and sediment. The prototype will be test bedded within a large diameter trunk sewer. [read more...]
Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Yeo Song Huat, Associate Professor Gerald Seet