Our People

Management Team

Prof Guan Cun Tai_1

Prof. Guan Cuntai
Deputy Dean, College of Computing & Data Science
President's Chair in Computer Science and Engineering
Research interests: Brain-Computer Interface, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Analysis, Neural Cognitive Process and Rehabilitation

Prof. Loy Chen Change
Co-Associate Director
President's Chair in Computer Science
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Creative Content Generation, Representation Learning

Principal Investigators

Prof. Wen Yonggang
Associate Provost (Graduate Education) and Dean, Graduate College
Alibaba-NTU President's Chair in Computer Science and Engineering
College of Computing & Data Science

Research Interests: AI4Science, Computational Sustainability, Distributed Systems

Prof. Lin Weisi
Associate Dean (Research), College of Computing & Data Science
President's Chair in Computer Science 
Research Interests: Perceptual-inspired signal modelling, Visual Quality Evaluation, Video Compression, Image Processing & Analysis, Multimedia Systems
Prof. Loy Chen Change
President's Chair in Computer Science
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Creative Content Generation, Representation Learning
Prof. Zhang Jie

Prof. Zhang Jie
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, User Modeling, Trust and Preference

Assoc. Prof. Sun Aixin
Associate Dean (UG Education), College of Computing & Data Science
Research Interests: Information Retrieval, Text/Web Mining, Social Computing, Multimedia

Assoc. Prof. He Ying
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Computer Graphics, Computer-Aided Design, Geometric Modelling and Processing
Assoc. Prof. Kelly Ke Yiping
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence (graph learning, graph analytics, graph mining, transfer learning, machine learning for physics modelling), Applications (engineering design, brain analysis, biology, education, environmental sustainability)
Assoc. Prof. Liu Ziwei
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics
Asst. Prof. Long Cheng

Assoc. Prof. Long Cheng
College of Computing & Data Science
Research Interests: Vector Data Management, Spatial data management, Spatial data mining, Graph data mining

Assoc. Prof. Lu Shijian
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Computer Vision and Sensing, Image and Video Analytics, Visual Intelligence, Deep Learning
Assoc. Prof. Luo Jun
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Applied Operations Research, Computer Networks
Assoc. Prof. Lin Guosheng
College of Computing & Data Science
Research interests: Computer Vision Applications (scene understanding and generative learning)
Assoc. Prof. Zhang Tianwei
College of Computing & Data Science
Research Interests: Distributed system security, Machine learning security, Attacks and defenses, Security analysis
Asst. Prof. Pan Xingang
Nanyang Assistant Professor (NRF)
College of Computing & Data Science
Research Interests: Generative AI, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics

Management Support

Dr. Poh Geong Sen

Senior Assistant Director, Business Operations


Dr. Wong Yuen Fei

Senior Project Manager


Eunice Yeo

Senior Executive, Business Operations


Tang Wei

Senior Executive, Administrative Support