BSFST Curriculum AY2021 Intake

Academic Unit (AU) requirements for candidates admitted to BSFST programme
TypeNo of AU
Major PE39
BDE (Free)3
BDE (2nd major)30
Total 137
LEGEND:  MPE = Major Prescribed Elective  | CC= ICC (Common Core)|FC= ICC (Foundational Core)| BDE= Broadening and Deepening Elective

Year 1
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
CoreBS1002Biophysical Chemistry3
CoreBS1003Organic Chemistry3
CCCC0001Inquiry and Communication in an Interdisciplinary World2
CCCC0003Ethics & Civics in a Multi-Cultural World2
CCCC0005Healthy Living & Wellbeing3
BDE (Free)AnyAny3
Total AUs19

Year 1
Semester 2
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
CoreBS1005Biochemistry I3
CoreBS1006Principles of Genetics3
CoreBS1007Molecular and Cell Biology I3
CoreBS1009Introduction to Computational Thinking3
CoreBS1100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 13
CCCC0002Navigating the Digital World2
Total AUs17

Year 2
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
CoreBS2003Biochemistry II3
FCBS0004Introduction to Data Science3
Major PEBSxxxxMajor PE (Table B)3
BDE (BSFST-Core)CH9201Food Chemistry5
Total AUs20

Year 2
Semester 2
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
Major PEBSxxxxMajor PE (Table A)3
CCML0004Career & Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World2
CCCC0006Sustainability: Society, Economy & Environment3
CCCC0007Science & Technology for Humanity3
FCHW0218Communication Across the Sciences2
BDE (BSFST-Core)CH5200Food Microbiology3
BDE (BSFST-Elec) ElectiveFrom Table C3
Total AUs19

Year 3
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
FCBS4227Professional Internship10
Total AUs10

Year 3
Semester 2
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
Major PEBSxxxxMajor PE (Table A)12
BDE (BSFST-Core)CH5202Food Physics3
BDE (BSFST-Core)CH5204Quality Systems Operations2
BDE (BSFST-Elec)ElectiveFrom Table C3
Total AUs20

Year 4
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
Major PEBSxxxxMajor PE (Table B)9
BDE (BSFST-Elec)ElectiveFrom Table C6
BDE (BSFST-Core)CH5203Food Process Engineering5
Total AUs20

Year 4
Semester 2
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
Major PEBSxxxxBS4020 FYPor Major PE (Table A)12
Total AUs12

Grand Total AU 137


* The above curriculum is based on a 4 year B.Sc. (Hons) in Biological Science programme.


Table A - Major PE (Semester 2)

Click to Show Table

Table B- Major PE (Semester 1)

Click to Show Table

Table C (BDE for 2nd major)

(NTU-FST Prescribed Electives courses)
Students are required to read FOUR of the following courses, total 12AUs
Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AU
AAQ10APrinciples of Nutrition3
BG4215Biomedical Nanotechnology 3
CH4303Bioseparations 3
CH4306Bioanalytical Techniques 3
CH4213Pharmacokinetics & Biopharmaceutics 3
CH5220Food Standards in Food Production and Trade 3
CM5102Food Analysis (with laboratory) 3
CM4013  Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry 3
BS3018^^^Plant Biology3
BS4015^^^Plant Biotechnology3
CH5221 Food Industry Seminar Series 3

^^^  BS3018 and BS4015 will be registered as BDE. Students who would like to read BS3018/BS4015 as Major PE, i.e. not as UE under 2nd major in FST, are to write to the School to request for change in course type after registration.

NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​