Our People

Kanaga SabapathyChair
Professor Sabapathy, Kanaga

Phone: (65) 6316 2822
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-01N-01
Ardina GruberAssociate Chair (Academic)
Dr Grüber, Ardina

Phone: (65) 6316 2926
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03s-49
Gao YongguiAssociate Chair (Faculty)
Professor Gao, Yonggui

Phone: (65) ​6908 2211
Email: [email protected]
Office: EMB-06-08
Francesc Xavier Roca CastellaAssociate Chair (Research)
Associate Professor Roca, Franc​esc Xavier

Phone: (65) ​6592 7561
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-​02N-18
Tan Suet MienAssociate Chair (Students)
Associate Professor Tan, Suet Mien

Phone: (65) ​6316 2834
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-05n-10
Jaume TorresDirector, Bioscience Research Centre (BRC)
Associate Professor Torres, Jaume

Phone: (65) 6316 2857
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-04S-32
Li Hoi YeungDirector (Special Projects)
Associate Professor Li, Hoi Yeung

Phone: (65) 6316 2812
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03N-40
Sze Chun ChauAssistant Chair (Undergraduate Education)
Dr. Sze, Chun Chau

Phone: (65) ​63162872
Email:[email protected]
Office: SBS-03N-38
Oliver Martin Mueller-CajarAssistant Chair (Research)
Associate Professor Mueller-Cajar, Oliver

Phone: (65) ​6592 3184
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02S-61
Miao YansongAssistant Chair (Internationalization)
Associate Professor Miao Yansong

Phone: (65) ​6513 8688
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02S-88I
Lu LeiAssistant Chair (Graduate Education)
Associate Professor Lu, Lei
Phone: (65) ​6592 2591
Email:[email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-18
Rebecca CaseAssistant Chair (Students)
Associate Professor Case, Rebecca

Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-B1n-27
Li Yi-ChenAssistant Chair (Alumni/Outreach)
Associate Professor Li, Yi-Chen

Phone: 6513-8270
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-37
Sandip BasakAssistant Chair (Safety)
Assistant Professor Basak, Sandip

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) 6908 2204
Email: [email protected]
Office: ​EMB-06-05


Full-Time Faculty

Sandip Basak

Basak, Sandip
Assistant Professor
Assistant Chair (Safety)

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) 6908 2204
Email: [email protected]
Office: ​EMB-06-05

Bhattacharyya, S​urajit
Associate Professor

Phone: (65) 6316 7997
Email: [email protected]
Office: ​SBS-02s-78
Zbynek BozdechBozdech, Zbynek

Phone: (65) ​6316 2925
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-04n-20
Bussi, Claudio
Assistant Professor

Email:  [email protected]
Office: 03n-06

Rebecca Case

Case, Rebecca
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Students)

Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-B1n-27

Peter CheungCheung, Peter
Senior Lecturer

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 6316 2849
Email: [email protected]
Office: ​SBS-03n-09
Choe Young JunChoe, Young-Jun
Nanyang Assistant Professor (NTU)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6514 1007
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-​02n-17
Dong, Xueming
Assistant Professor

Profile |  Lab webpage
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-05

Filloux, Alain Ange Marie
Director, Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE)

Phone: (65) 6592 7942
Email:  [email protected]
Office: SBS-​02n-17

Melissa Jane FullwoodFullwood, Melissa Jane
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) ​6514 1006
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-58
Gao Yonggui

Gao, Yonggui
Associate Chair (Faculty)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 69082211
Email: [email protected]
Office: EMB-06-08

Ardina GruberGrüber, Ardina
Senior Lecturer
Associate Chair (Academic)

Phone: (65) 6316 2926
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03s-49
Gerhard GruberGrüber, Gerh​ard

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) 6316 2989
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03s-50
Hong YanHong, Yan
Senior Lecturer

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 6904 7232
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-88g
Koh Cheng GeeKoh, Cheng Gee
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 6316 2854
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-38
Julien LescarLescar, Julien
Interim Director, Nanyang Institute of Structural Biology

Phone: (65) ​6908 2208
Email: [email protected]
Office: EMB-06-07
Li Hoi YeungLi, Hoi Yeung
Associate Professor
Director, Special Projects

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 6316 2812
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-40
Li Yi-Chen

Li, Yi-Chen
Associate ProfessorAssistant Chair (Alumni/Outreach)

Phone: 6513-8270
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-37

Li YinghuiLi, Yinghui
Nanyang Assistant Professor (NRF)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2947
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-05n-23
Liang Zhao-XunLiang, Zhao-Xun

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 6592 7736
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03s-53
Valerie LinLin, Valerie
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2843
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-08
Liu Chuan FaLiu, Chuan Fa

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 6316 2867
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03s-85
LOH Jia TongLoh Jia Tong
Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-04n-23
Lu Lanyuan

Lu, Lanyuan
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2866
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03s-82

Lu LeiLu, Lei
Associate Professor
Assistant Chair (Graduate Education)

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) ​6592 2591
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-18
Alexander LudwigLudwig, Alexander
Assistant Professor

​Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) ​6908 2212
Email: [email protected]
Office: EMB-06-09
Ma Wei

Ma, Wei
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6904 7230
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-88e

Miao YansongMiao, Yansong
Associate Professor
NRF Investigator
Assistant Chair (Internationalization)

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) ​6513 8688
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-88d
Mu YuguangMu, Yuguang
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2885
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-​04s-46a
Oliver Martin Mueller-CajarMueller-Cajar, Oliver
Associate Professor
NRF Investigator
Assistant Chair (Research)

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) ​6592 3184
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-61
Prof Laura NolanNolan, Laura
Assistant Professor

Phone: (65) ​6513 7677
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-01n-27
Konstantin PervushinPervushin, Konstantin
Associate Professor

Phone: (65) ​6514 1916
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-77
Peter PreiserPreiser, Peter

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2869
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-04n-09
Francesc Xavier Roca CastellaRoca, Franc​esc Xavier
Associate Professor
Associate Chair (Research)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6592 7561
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-​02n-18
Christiane RuedlRuedl, Christiane

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6514 1044
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-04n-22
Kanaga SabapathySabapathy, Kanaga
Chair, School of Biological Sciences

Profile |Personal webpage
Phone: (65) 6316 2822
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-01n-01
Jarkko SalojarviSalojarvi, Jarkko
Assistant Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6904 7231
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-88f
Schuster, Stephan

Phone: (65) ​6592 7890
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-B1n-27
Pritpal SinghSingh, Pritpal

Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02s-60
I-hsin SuSu, I-Hsin
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) 6513 8687
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-02n-46

Suzuki, Sho
Nanyang Assistant Professor (NRF)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2809
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-05n-20

Sze Chun ChauSze, Chun Chau
Principal Lecturer
Assistant Chair (Undergraduate Education)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​63162872
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-38
Tan Suet MienTan, Suet Mien
Associate Professor
Associate Chair (Students)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2834
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-05n-10
Thirumaran s/o ThanabaluThanabalu, Thirumaran
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6316 2832
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-17
Guillaume ThibaultThibault, Guillaume
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage | Personal webpage
Phone: (65) ​6592 1787
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-03n-27
Tjioe Yan Yin
Tjioe, Yan Yin
Assistant Director, NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic

Phone: (65) 65927830
Office: SBS-01s-49
Jaume TorresTorres, Jaume
Associate Professor
Bioresearch Centre (BRC) Director
Phone: (65) ​6316 2857
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-04s-32
Ajai VyasVyas, Ajai
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6513 7365
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-05n-19
Prof Cynthia WhitchurchWhitchurch, Cynthia

Phone: (65) ​6592 7943
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-01n-27
Wu BinWu, Bin
Associate Professor

Profile | Lab webpage  
Phone: (65) ​6908 2207
Email: [email protected]
Office: EMB-06-06
Xiao, Tianshu
Nanyang Assistant Professor (NAP)

Lab webpage  
Email: [email protected] 
Office: SBS-03s-62
Anni ZhangZhang, Anni
Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] 
Office: SBS-05n-24
Zhao YanZhao, Yan
Senior Lecturer

Phone: (65) ​6514 1901
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-05n-22

Zhong Lidan, Linda
Associate Professor
Director, NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic
Director, Biomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine

Profile | Lab webpage 
Phone: (65) ​6592 1733/32
Email: [email protected]
Office: SBS-05n-09


Cross Appointments

Chng Toh HeanCh'ng, Toh Hean
Nanyang Assistant ​Professor (NTU)
(cross appointment from LKC)

Phone: (65) ​6592 3844
Email: [email protected]
Office: Mandalay-CSB-10-01
Wilson GohGoh, Wilson
Assistant Professor
(cross appointment from LKC)

Profile | Lab webpage
Phone: (65) ​6904 7149
Email: [email protected]
Office: Experimental Medicine Building (EMB)
Luo DahaiLuo, Dahai
Associate Professor
(cross appointment from LKC)

Phone: (65) ​6592 3986
Email: [email protected]
Office: EMB-03-01
Miserez, Ali
(cross appointment from MSE)

Phone: (65) ​6316 8979
Email: [email protected]
Office: N4.1-01-16
Pethe, Kevin
Associate Professor
(cross appointment from LKC)

Phone: (65) ​6592 3958
Email: [email protected]
Office: EMB-04-01
Phan Anh TuanPhan, Anh Tuan
Chair, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(cross appointment from SPMS)

Phone: (65) ​6514 1915
Email: [email protected]
Office: SPMS-PAP-05-04
Laurent ReniaRenia, Laurent
Professor, Infectious Diseases

Email: [email protected]
Office: Mandalay CSB 12-01
Andrew Tan Nguan SoonTan, Nguan Soon Andrew
Associate Professor
(cross appointment from LKC)

Phone: (65) ​6904 1295
Email: [email protected]
Office: CSB-11-0C-01


Adjunct Faculty

Arumugam, PrakashAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Asial, IgnacioAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Aung, Kyaw ThuAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Beh, LeslieAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Chiam, Keng HweeAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Heng, EvelynAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected] 
Khew, GillianAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Lam, Kong PengAdjunct Professor[email protected]
Lee, Hwee KuanAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Lee, Kian ChungAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Leow, Wei QiangAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Liew, ChristinaAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Lim, Soon Tiong AlvinAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Ng, Huck HuiAdjunct Professor[email protected]
Ng, Lee ChingAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Ramachandran, SrinivasanAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Roetzschke, OlafAdjunct Professor[email protected]
Selvarajoo, KumarAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Tang, CarolAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]
Thomas, DanielAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Verma, ChandraAdjunct Professor[email protected]
Wuestefeld, TorstenAdjunct Assistant Professor[email protected]
Yeo, Sze Wei MatthewAdjunct Associate Professor[email protected]

Visiting Professor

Dao, MingVisiting Professor[email protected]
Kjelleberg, StaffanVisiting Professor[email protected]
Lindman, BjörnVisiting Professor[email protected]
Nordenskiöld, LarsVisiting Professor[email protected]
Saggio, IsabellaVisiting Professor[email protected]
Tam, JamesVisiting Professor[email protected]
Van Noort, Simon Johannes TheodorusVisiting Professor[email protected]
Yoon, Ho SupVisiting Professor[email protected]

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