While 20 years seem like a short period of time, all of us here are proud of the school's achievements since Day 1.
Thank you for celebrating our achievements together, with all past and present students, alumni, faculty and staff of NTU School of Biological Sciences.
20th Anniversary Messages
20th Anniversary Book

Past, Present & Future of SBS
Throwback to the past, celebrate the present and look forward to the future with us.
Read our e-book20th Anniversary Research Symposium

Research Symposium
We celebrated our achievements through this research symposium where we invited our alumni, graduate students and postdocs to share their discoveries on: 1) Pathogens 2) Pushing Boundaries 3) Cancer. Our postdocs and PhD students also showcased their research through poster presentations at our school foyer.
Read Programme BookletWhat happened on 4 August 2022...
It was an eventful day with a Research Symposium in the day and Gala Dinner at night, where we invited President and Distinguished University Professor Subra Suresh as our guest of honor. SBS staff, faculty, students, alumni and invited guests all came together to celebrate this joyous occasion and milestone.
Research Symposium Photos
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Gala Dinner Photos
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20th Anniversary Contests
Our t-shirt design and photo contests have ended! Find out more about the winning entries below.
T-Shirt Design Contest Winners

Meet the Winners of SBS 20th Anniversary T-Shirt Design Contest!
We called for t-shirt design submissions to celebrate SBS's 20th anniversary and eventually held a pre-order for the top 3 designs! We are thankful for the overwhelming support for the pre-order. It would not have been possible without the talented students of SBS. Congratulations for getting into the top 3 and having your designs printed for the SBS fam!
Let us meet the top 3 winners of this contest and pick their brains.

Photo Contest Winners

Meet the Winners of SBS 20th Anniversary Photo Contest!
As part of School of Biological Sciences (SBS) at NTU’s 20th anniversary celebration, we held a Photo Contest open to all students and staff, calling for photos that represent “Our SBS” to them. The photos we received spoke a thousand words, but there were 3 that the committee and online voters loved the most.
Let us meet the top 3 winners of this contest and find out what "Our SBS" means to them.