About Us

SCRIPTS Centre is a multi-disciplinary research centre funded by a $15.3 million grant from IMDA and NRF. The Centre focuses on research, development, application, and transition of technology towards scalable and customised privacy-preserving technologies that are aligned with national priorities of Singapore in the Services and Digital Economy of RIE2020 framework.

Jointly led by Prof. Kwok-Yan Lam from School of Computer Science and Engineering and Prof. Huaxiong Wang from School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, the Centre specialises in privacy-preserving technologies (PP-Tech), which aim to:​

  • Preserve individual privacy while allowing maximum value and insight to be extracted.
  • Enable organisations to carry out data mining, analysis and sharing, in compliance with data protection regulation enacted in various jurisdictions.

Our Mission & Values

  • To serve as a One-Stop Centre for knowledge, technologies, and solutions for privacy-preserving problems. 
  • To enable best use of collected data for the benefits of the smart nation by having the ability to preserve the privacy of data during data mining, analysis and sharing.
  • To undertake academic research, develop skilled manpower and translate technology for value creation in the domain of PP-Tech.