Our Capabilities

Field Deployment

SNTL IoT projects are currently being deployed indoor and outdoor, in different residential and business areas to try out different edge analytic devices. These devices are solely built and programmed by our IoT core team in SNTL.



Use Cases

1. Distributed Sensing (Edge Analytic) Deployed

Distributed Sensing Deployed

Distributed Sensor Network with meta sound data inference in different residential estates in Singapore

Refer to PDF file for more details: AIME Poster



2. Setup on Use of Sensor Analytics to develop and improve Home Fire Alarm Devices (HFAD)

Sensor analytics for HFAD
Refer to PDF file for more details: SCDF Poster



3. System Setup for Kerbside Parking POC

System Setup for Kerbside parking POC
Refer to PDF file for more details: URA Parking Poster



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