藏品再現:印刷技術轉型下葉德輝的三種善本 (Collections Reproduction: Ye Dehui’s Three Kinds of Rare Books under Printing Technological Transformation)

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29 Jan 2022 09.30 AM - 11.30 AM Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public
Organised by:
Qu Jingyi

Speaker: Dr Liu Yuan-Ju 劉苑如 (Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)

Commentator: Dr Yang Yu-Cheng 楊玉成 (Research Fellow, Deputy Director of Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica) 

Chairperson: Assoc Prof I Lo-fen 衣若芬 (NTU SoH Chinese) 


Speaker Bio:

劉苑如,政治大學中國文學研究所博士。現任中研院文哲所研究員,曾任日本京都大學人文研究所訪問學者(2003)、哈佛燕京學社訪問學者(2005-2006),布爾富萊特資深訪問學者(2016-2017)。主要研究方向為魏晉南北朝小說、中古傳記與遊記、古籍輯佚與出版、數位人文研究。葉德輝研究著作有“Weisheng: On Western Medicine and Other Ancient Text Edited And Printed By Ye Dehui, ” 〈地獄版權:葉德輝印經因緣考〉、〈天化與人化──葉德輝星命學的知識建構與時代性〉、〈從品鑑到借鑑──葉德輝輯刻《山公啟事》與閱讀〉和〈題名、輯佚與復原——《玄中記》的異世界構想〉等。 

We are very thankful to Mr. Lam Chih Tsung for his generous sponsorship of the Zoom webinar series of “NTU Chinese literature and culture”.