“巴迪”与文物之美:记南大中文系师生参观亚洲文明博物馆 The Beauty of Batik and Antiques: NTU Chinese Major Students Visited Asian Civilisations Museum

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27 Jun 2022 12.00 PM - 01.00 PM Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public
Organised by:
Qu Jingyi

关佑昇 文 (连文思博士与曲景毅博士修改)



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李建辉 (Lee Jian Hui)、杨永昌 (Yang Yung Chang)、连文思博士(Dr Lien Wen Sze)、陈可杰 (Ryan Tan)、卓佳惠 (Tho Jiahui)、黄婷恩 (Ng Ting Ern)、关佑昇 (Jeffrey Kuan)、卓敬璋 (Louis Toh)、刘婉伽 (Lew Wan Jia)、梁玉倩 (Niyu Yuqian)、曲景毅副教授(A/P Qu Jingyi)

连博士陪同师生一行共同参观了亚博举办的“我们的巴迪”(Batik Kita) 的艺术展览。除了观赏各种精美的巴迪设计,师生们也通过各种巴迪的设计来了解印度尼西亚地区和新加坡不同世纪的历史。

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The Beauty of Batik and Antiques: NTU Chinese Major Students Visited Asian Civilisations Museum

By Kuan Yew Sheng, revised by Dr Lien Wen Sze and Dr Qu Jingyi

What is Batik? Do you know that batik designs advocate peace through a mixture of traditional and modern cultures? How were different communities in Southeast Asia so unique in their society? The Chinese major students from NTU were eager to find out these questions at the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM).

A group consisting of 9 students from Chinese Major and the Head of Chinese Programme A/P Dr Qu Jingyi, visited ACM on the 27th of June to visit many exhibit zones such as Southeast Asia's culture, religion, and ancient beliefs. The group was led by Dr Lien Wen Sze, one of the voluntary guides for the exhibition. The exhibition was supported by a book series "100 Masterpieces of the Asian Civilisations Museum", which was produced by ACM and Lianhe Zaobao. The book series shares about these 100 artifacts in ACM and tells the historical story behind each artifact.

Dr Lien also kindly accompanied the group to a special Batik Exhibition "Batik Kita". The group gets to see all these beautiful Batik designs and understand the history of Indonesia and Singapore in different centuries through Batik.

One of the students Niyu Yuqian said the exhibition was an eye-opener for her. She said "The pottery of Tang Dynasty is an example. It is an important discovery showing us that blue-and-white porcelain already existed in the Tang Dynasty. Learning about different cultures, ranging from ancient Chinese to Islamic culture, is also an eye-opener."

Another student Ryan Tan reflected on himself as he saw a Batik design with a mixture of traditional and modern culture, which aimed to advocate peace and provide a strong voice for anti-war. He said "When the guide talks about how Singaporean has been studying and learning about cultures from all over the world, but many were not aware of the cultures of our neighbours." Batik being a traditional culture of our neighbours, many Singaporeans only have very little knowledge about it, I didn't even know which country originated from until this tour.