Plotinus’ Thought and Analogia Entis

23 Feb 2024 03.30 PM - 05.00 PM SHHK Seminar Room 3 Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public
Organised by:
Christophe de Ray

The notion of analogia entis (the proportion between beings) is usually associated with Medieval Scholasticism and confined to that period. The thesis that will be presented in this talk holds that that notion is the backbone of Plotinus’ thought. This means that Plotinus’ thought has determined the development of Western Metaphysics in a substantial way: for, it is in Plotinus’ thought that the platonizing reading of Aristotle’s enquiry on being, as it is displayed in Metaphysics, gets consolidated and doctrinally organized. Establishing this allows a clearer understanding of the relation between Plotinus’ and Heidegger’s thoughts: far from being similar, they are at opposite poles. Contrary to what several scholars have argued, Plotinus’ One cannot in any way be taken to mean the same thing as Heidegger’s Sein: the former is the radicalization of the ontology of presence, while the latter wants to be an interrogation of the origins of that very ontology. 

Paolo’s commitment to Classical Studies brought him to wander from his native Southern Italy through Europe and North America. He obtained his PhD at the department of Classics of the University of Pennsylvania, with a dissertation on Augustine and Plotinus. His main research interests are ancient philosophy, above all Plato and Plotinus, and Patristics: currently he is working on a commentary on one of Plotinus’ treatises. He studies also 20th century philosophy, regarding which he concentrates mainly on Martin Heidegger, Henri Bergson, Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Gentile.