Pre-Conference Workshop 会前工作坊

Pre-conference Workshop Programme

Date: 30 July 2024
Fee: S$25/workshop
Registration is capped at 25 people per workshop.

Timetable and Venue

Tuesday, 30 July 2024
8:30 - 9:00Registration
9:00 - 12:00

Workshop 1:
Scholarly storytelling in research production
Instructor: Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt
Venue: GAIA Seminar Room 4

Workshop 3:
Corpus Approaches to Chinese Discourse and Grammar
Instructor: Prof. Tao Hongyin
Venue: GAIA Seminar Room 5
Workshop 5: Conversation Analysis Clinic A
Instructor: Prof. KK Luke
Venue: GAIA Seminar Room 6
12:00 - 14:00Lunch
14:00 - 17:00Workshop 2:
Multimodal analysis of Chinese Interaction
Instructor: Prof. Li Xiaoting
Venue: GAIA Seminar Room 4
Workshop 4:
Instructor: Prof. Fang Mei
Venue: GAIA Seminar Room 5
Workshop 6:
Conversation Analysis Clinic B
Instructor: Asst Prof. Ni-Eng Lim
Venue: GAIA Seminar Room 6


Scholarly storytelling in research production
Instructor: Prof Zhuo Jing-Schmidt


Suppose we all want to produce compelling research and publish. How do we do it?

Normally, we notice a linguistic phenomenon, conduct literature review, identify research gaps, evaluate theoretical models, form hypotheses, collect and analyze data, present and explain results, and conclude.

It happens sometimes, or even often, that we think we have all the necessary components of a scholarly paper, yet the product ends up going nowhere. We may submit and get rejected or we are asked to revise but we procrastinate and let go because it's too much. Either way, we are disappointed, frustrated, exhausted, and under-published.

What is missing? In this part of the workshop, I address what I think is a key to compelling research production – scholarly storytelling.

We will discuss what it takes to tell a compelling story about your data and how to go about doing it methodically to produce research that is interesting, fulfilling, and publishable.
Hongyin Tao

Corpus Approaches to Chinese Discourse and Grammar
Instructor: Prof Tao Hongyin


In this workshop, we will explore some of the most commonly used methods and techniques in working with computerized spoken, written, and multimodal corpora in Mandarin (and other varieties of Chinese). Topics include ways with which corpora can be gathered, processed, annotated/coded, exploited, and visualized for research into patterns of language use.  


Conversation Analysis Clinic (A & B) 

Workshop 5: Prof KK Luke
Workshop 6: Asst Prof Ni-Eng Lim


CA is becoming increasingly popular among scholars and researchers who strive to better understand forms and meanings of language in use.  While data collection and transcription are relatively straightforward (at least in everyday life settings), when it comes to analysing a piece of data, it is not always clear how one should proceed. Theoretical and methodological notions such as turn-taking, overlapping, repair, or sequential context may seem vaguely graspable, and yet one often feels at a loss as to how to apply them to an actual piece of data to good effect. 

In this workshop, we will take time to show you through close, context-sensitive analyses of real-life examples, how CA is done. Participants will have the opportunity to send in short pieces of data for analysis and discussion under the guidance of the ‘instructors/clinicians’. The sessions will be highly  interactive, data-driven and participant-driven.  

You are free to take either Clinic A ($25), Clinic B ($25) or both ($50).


Fang Mei

Instructor: Prof Fang Mei




Li Xiaoting

Multimodal analysis of Chinese Interaction
Instructor: Prof Li Xiaoting


In face-to-face interaction, participants produce and orient to not only talk but also bodily-visual behaviors. This workshop introduces a CA- and IL-informed multimodal analytical method of Chinese face-to-face interaction that incorporates the analysis of grammar, prosody, bodily-visual behavior, and sequence in situated activities.