News & Events

TheBlockchainSPIRIT Hackathon

This Blockchain Hackathon (29-30 June 2018, NTU) is organised and brought to you by TheBlockchainSPIRIT, NTUitive Pte Ltd, with industry partners IOST, NEM, Coinhako, i-Sprint, Morpheus Labs, and community/student partners Women In Asia, Nanyang Blockchain Association, Pitchspot, NTU World of Wisdom and NTU Graduate Students Association.​

To get more information regarding the hackathon, please visit​

NTU College of Engineering (CoE) team that wins the first NRF Translational R&D for Application to Smart Nation (TRANS) grant

​The School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE), together with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) make up the formidable NTU College of Engineering (CoE)'s multi-disciplinary team which won the first National Research Foundation (NRF) TRANS grant call. The team of researchers won with their programme titled "Smart Platform Infrastructure Research on Integrative Technology (SPIRIT): A Platform for Translational R&D for a Smart Nation".

The Translational Research and Development for Application to Smart Nation (TRANS) Grant funds translational R&D and technology or process innovations in areas that are aligned to the emerging and focused tech areas (Strategic National Projects (SNPs) and Centres of Excellence (CentEx)). 

This funding initiative is jointly run by the Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech), National Research Foundation (NRF) and Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO). This initiative taps on research institutes’ capabilities to solve public sector challenges, demonstrates feasibility of new ideas and encourages agencies to experiment and deploy innovative solutions.  

 About TRANS Grant Funding

A total of $25 million of TRANS Grant funding has been awarded to three TRANS Labs. The approved grant duration is three years, with effect from 1 Sep 2016. The Labs are:

  • Smart Platform Infrastr​ucture Research on Integrative Technology (SPIRIT) from Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  • Smart Nation Applied R&D Lab (SNAL) from Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) 
  • Centre for Applied Socio-Physical Analytics (CASA) from Singapore Management University (SMU) 

These TRANS Labs have significant capabilities in the fields of wireless communication, data science, artificial intelligence, cyber security and social analytics. Problem statements are polled from the agencies and evaluated for eligibility of the grant before they are selected to proceed with the proof-of-concepts. The grant will help to offset costs arising from the projects undertaken under each approved proposal. This includes costs associated with manpower, training, equipment investment, professional services and overheads. In addition, TRANS Grant will also provide support for operational activities and developments arising from the administration of this funding initiative. Only Singapore-based activities will be supported. Commercial entities will be invited to co-create solutions with the TRANS Labs and relevant government agencies for deployment and commercialisation of the solutions.