Launch of the new SPMS Alumni Mentoring Programme
The SPMS Alumni Mentoring Programme was launched on 31 August 2022, with a Meet and Greet session attended by 25 alumni mentors and 48 undergraduate mentees.
This new programme was initiated and organized by the SPMS Alumni Association. It aims to connect student mentees in SPMS with alumni mentors to help them grow professionally and personally. Mentors and mentees commit to meeting regularly to discuss topics such as, but not limited to, how to prepare for the workplace, gaining industry-relevant knowledge, and achieving work-life balance.
At the Meet and Greet session, welcome speeches were delivered by Associate Professor Chong Yidong , the Associate Chair for Students at SPMS, and Mr Tan Cheng Wee, President of SPMS Alumni Association (SPMS Class of 2020). Both speakers thanked the alumni for volunteering their time and energy, and wished all participants the best in developing their new mentor-mentee relationships.
Each edition of the programme is intended to last for one academic year, with the mentor-mentee assignments renewable yearly if both parties agree. Next year, the SPMS Alumni Association aims to expand the programme by bringing in a larger group of both alumni mentors and undergraduate mentees. We hope that all of this year's mentors and mentees will find it an enriching and meaningful experience!