Published on 25 Aug 2020

SPMS Students Win Awards in IMC 2020

A team of SPMS students has achieved an outstanding result in the International Mathematics Competition (IMC) 2020, earning 2 Silvers, 1 Bronze, and 2 Honourable Mentions.

Silver Award: Do Xuan Long and Teo Hau Tian
Bronze Award:
Su Huangyuan
Honourable Mention:
Loo Dong Lin and Lucas Lawrence
Tiang Bi Hong, Sheng Shunan, and Shi Luozi

The IMC is an annual event in which university students across various countries compete to solve mathematical problems. University College London hosted this year’s competition, which was held over two days, on 26 and 27 July 2020. During the competition, the students had to work under intense pressure to solve 4 challenging problems within a tight time limit. The problems were selected by an international committee, and the students’ solutions were assessed by Team Leaders and mathematics professors.

The SPMS team was led by Dr Fedor Duzhin, who has overseen the school’s participation in the IMC for many years. The Deputy Leader was Ms Camille Mau, an SPMS graduate who is currently pursuing her PhD.