Centre of Hardware Assurance

The vision of Centre of Hardware Assurance (CHA) is to be the National Centre of Excellence for Hardware Assurance.
The mission of CHA is to provide analysis capability from non-invasive to invasive techniques in vulnerability assessment, forensics and certification of hardware devices and components. CHA comprises three main research groups, the Hardware Analysis team (HA), Circuit Analysis (CA) team and Physical Analysis & Cryptographic Engineering (PACE) team. The HA team focuses on developing new techniques using state-of-the-art failure analysis tools for package and chip access, imaging and security assessment. The CA team researches on the design and development of advanced algorithms and tools for automatic and efficient analysis of VLSI digital integrated circuits, utilizing deep learning techniques for better adaptability and productivity. PACE team aims to advance side-channel and fault analysis techniques for hardware security analysis.
CHA collaborates with various international partners from the academia and industry, as well as local partners from the DSO National Lab, Cybersecurity Agency (CSA) and Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
Prof Thomas is the co-designer GIFT and SKINNY, currently some of the smallest known symmetric-key cryptography primitives. He also co-designed the Deoxys-II algorithm for authenticated encryption, which was selected in 2019 as winner for the CAESAR competition for authenticated encryption primitives: https://competitions.cr.yp.to/caesar-submissions.html
He is also part of the team that computed the very first collision for the secure hash algorithm (SHA-1) compression function: https://sites.google.com/site/itstheshappening/