​​Conferences (Unpublished)
​Name of Faculty​TitleOrganiser or Gallery or Film Festival /
Andrea Nanetti​“L'Acropoli di Atene. Storia, letteratura e archeologia [The Acropolis of Athens. History, Literature, and Archaeology]” – VideoconferenceAncient Messene. Immaginando la Grecia tra Roma e Venezia. Percorsi storici, letterari e archeologici; Special fund of the Italian Ministry of Education, Verona, Italy
Andrea Nanetti​“From History to Heritage Science via Digital Media and Animation. Old and New Silk Roads as a Case Study” – Invited Keynote SpeakerDigital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Reloading the Treasure of Human Experiences for Machine Learning. Challenges in Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics” – Invited Keynote SpeakerSOTICS 2016: The Sixth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics; Rome, Italy, http://www.iaria.org/conferences2016/SOTICS16.html
Andrea Nanetti​“Sustainable Heritage Impact Factor Theory (SHIFT): A Framework for Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Cultural Heritage”3rd Singapore Heritage Science Conference (Panel 1: The Complexity of Intangible Heritage Appreciation); NTU ADM, Singapore
Andrea Nanetti​“The UNESCO Mediterranean Diet Adventure. An Insight Perspective by the Maniatakeion Foundation as a Founding Member and Technical Advisor of the Greek Emblematic Community”3rd Singapore Heritage Science Conference (Panel 4: Cuisine: Legacy, Transmission, Transformation); NTU ADM, Singapore
Andrea Nanetti​“Athens and Koroni 2009. The Maniatakeion inception of the ‘Historical Memory and Economic Development' discourse”Cultural Heritage as Economic Value: Economic Benefits, Social Opportunities and Challenges of Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development (Panel 2: The socio-economic development potential of cultural heritage); Piraeus Bank Group Convention Center, Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Athens, Greece
Andrea Nanetti​“Interactive Global Histories and the Maritime Space (1205–1533). Old Worlds, New Worlds?” – Co-author with Luo Xin Zhang and Liu Dan Yun7th International Congress of Maritime History; International Maritime Economic History Association (IMEHA), Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, http://www.murdoch.edu.au/School-of-Management-and-Governance/Latest-news-andevents/ICMH7/
Andrea Nanetti​“Visual Reasoning in Historical Studies. The Black Sea Region in Intercontinental Networks (1205–1479) as a showcase”23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Round Table: The Black Sea Region between East and West in the XIII-XV centuries: New Sources and Approaches); Belgrade, Serbia, http://byz2016.rs/program-2/?lang=en
Andrea Nanetti​Co-Chair of the SOTICS Advisory Committee and Member of the Technical Program CommitteeSOTICS 2016: The Sixth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics; Rome, Italy, http://www.iaria.org/conferences2016/SOTICS16.html
Andrea Nanetti​“Heritage Science: At the Interface of the Humanities and Data Science” – Invited SpeakerWHITR-AP UNESCO; Tongji University, Shanghai, China, http://www.whitr-ap.org
Andrea Nanetti​“Mappatura e Visualizzazione del Dato Storico [Mapping and Visualizing Historical Data]” – Invited SpeakerPresentation of the book ‘Viabilità e insediamenti nell'assetto territoriale di Imola nel Medioevo. Sperimentazione esemplare di mappatura e visualizzazione del dato storico [Roads and settlements in the territory of medieval Imola’. A case study for historical data mapping and visualization]; Palazzo Sersanti, Imola, Italy
Biju Dhanapalan​“‘The Bhav and Ras of Animation’: Symposium on Animation Film Making” – Organiser and ChairMumbai International Film Festival (MIFF); India
Candice Ng​“‘Cultural Play’ – A Tangible Interactive Game-based Learning Project on the Cultural Heritage of Singapore (A Prototype Analysis)”Board Game Studies Colloquium XIX; German Games Archive, Nuremberg, Germany
Galina Mihaleva​“Neocraft: Exploring and Merging Traditional Textile Techniques with Smart Materials and Technology” – Keynote Speaker18th International Conference on Textile and Fashion; Singapore
Gul Inanc​“Building New Knowledge Networks for Refugee Youth”York University, Center for Refugee Studies, Canada
Hans-Martin Rall​“Adapting Southeast Asian Art Forms for Digital Animation”ACM SIGGRAPH: Computer Graphics in Asia; Los Angeles Convention Center, USA
Hans-Martin Rall​“Wayang Kulit and Adaptation of Indigenous Art Forms and Storytelling”Beyond the Frame: 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Animation Studies; Christchurch University Canterbury, UK
Hans-Martin Rall​“Narrative Structures and Visual Storytelling” – ChairStuttgart International Festival of Animated Film; NTU, Singapore, Institute of Media Studies at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, AG Animation, and Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Germany
Hans-Martin Rall​Conference Chair28th Annual Conference of the Society for Animation Studies: The Cosmos of Animation; NTU ADM, Singapore
Hans-Martin Rall​“Das Trickfilmwerk von Hannes Rall [The Animation Work of Hannes Rall]” – Film Retrospective and TalkAnimation und Avantgarde-Lotte Reiniger und der absolute Film; Stadtmuseum Tuebingen, Germany
Kristy Kang​“Urban Interfaces and Spatial Narrative: Mapping the Cultural History of Food Spaces in Singapore”Cultural Typhoon 2016 International Conference: Can You Feel It? Cultural Intervention in Globalising Cities; Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan
Kristy Kang​“Animating Place: Projection Mapping, Cultural Heritage and Urban Art in Singapore”28th Annual International Society for Animation Studies Conference; NTU ADM, Singapore
Kristy Kang​“Mapping Food, Migration and Cultural Heritage from Los Angelesʼ Koreatown to Singapore”Hard State-Soft City: The Urban Imaginative Field in Singapore; Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Kristy Kang​“Ethnic Claims to Place in the City: Los Angeles' Little Bangladesh in Koreatown”Diginaka: Where the Local Meets the Digital; School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Laura Longo​“Neanderthals/Anatomically Modern Humans Shift: Is the Answer in the Porridge?”WAC; Kyoto, Japan
Laura Longo​“Functional Analysis on Aurignacian Grinding Stones: Unfolding the Complexity of Nutrition and the Dawn of Modern Humans in Europe” – Co-author with Skakun, N.WAC; Kyoto, Japan
Laura Longo​“Unfolding the Complexity of Nutrition at the Dawn of Modern Humans. A Multi-Layered Digital 3D Storytelling Approach” – Co-author with Sorrentino, G.SEAHA 2016; Oxford, UK
Laura Longo​“Les Gestes Retrouves: A 3D Visualisation Approach to the Functional Study of Early Upper Palaeolithic Grinding Stones” – Co-author (2nd)CAA 2016; Museum of Cultural History, Oslo, Norway
Laura Longo​“Unfolding the Complexity of Nutrition at the Dawn of Modern Humans. A Multi-Layered Digital 3D Storytelling Approach” – Co-author (1st)2nd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage, and Archaeology; Oxford, UK
Louis-Philippe Demers​“Easthetics and Atmospheres of Machine Performance”PSI International; Melbourne, Australia
Louis-Philippe Demers​“Performing with Machines”Acts & Re-Acts 3; London, UK
Louis-Philippe Demers​“Artificial Theatre”Bio-Art/Design: Transdisciplinarity in Art, Scence and Creativity Symposium and Workshop; Singapore
Louis-Philippe Demers​“Artificial Theatre”Models of Diversity; Zurich, Switzerland
Louis-Philippe Demers​“Primal Scream of Machines”Technarte; Bilbao, Spain
Ruben de la Nuez​“Head-Mounted Simulacrum: The Reinvention of Magic Realism”10th Tropical Lab Conference: Fictive Dreams; Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore
Ruben de la Nuez​“In Search of a Lost Cosmopolitanism: Chronotopic Intersections at Kochi-Muziris Biennale of Visual Arts”9th Global Studies Conference; University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Soon-Hwa Oh​Invited SpeakerAuckland Festival of Photography; New Zealand
Ute Meta​“The Geopolitical and the Biophysical: A Structured Conversation on Art and Southeast Asian in Context Part II” – ChairNational Gallery, and NTU CCA, Singapore
Ute Meta​“Actions, Thoughts and the Craft that Individuals Work With”Biographies and the Production of Space Between Life and Places; Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany
Ute Meta​“Critical Spatial Practice: Reconsidering the Art-Architecture Interchange”Art Basel Hong Kong; Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Ute Meta​“In Conversation: Ute Meta Bauer and Amar Kanwar”Lightning Testimonies; Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai
Vibeke Sorensen​“Beyond the Gap” – Keynote SpeechBetwist Festival: Art & Bytes; ArtScience Museum, Singapore


​Name of Faculty​TitleOrganiser or Gallery or Film Festival /
Andrea Nanetti​“Engineering Historical Memory (2007–today). A worldwide research network”Digital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Mapping and Visualising Historical Sources. An Exercise of Visual Reasoning”Digital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Cultural Heritage and the Creative Industry”Digital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Heritage & Innovation” – Co-organiser and Co-chair with Mei QingJoint international workshop organised for the graduate programmes of the Department of Architecture in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, the School of Art, Design and Media of the Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and the Department of Architecture in the College of Humanities at Xiamen University; Xiamen University and Tongji University, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Digital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads” – Co-organiser and Co-chair with Tang Xiaoying, Mei Qing, Jiang Yinghe, and Rajesh KaluriInternational workshop organised for the School of Art and Design at Guangdong University of Technology, the Department of Architecture in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, the Department of History of the Sun Yat-Sen University, the Vellore Institute of Technology University, and the School of Art, Design and Media of the Nanyang Technological University Singapore; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Heritage Science. A New Science of Heritage at the Intersections of (Digital) Humanities and (Information) Technologies”Heritage Studies; NTU-USP Travel Overseas Programme for Scholars, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Andrea Nanetti​“Interactive Global Histories: Engineering the Historical Memory of Old and New Silk Roads”Heritage & Innovation; Xiamen University, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Engineering Historical Memory (2007–today). A worldwide research network”Digital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Mapping and Visualising Historical Sources. An Exercise of Visual Reasoning”Digital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Cultural Heritage and the Creative Industry”Digital Media and Animation Solutions for the Study of Old and New Maritime Silk Roads; Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Andrea Nanetti​“Heritage and Complexity, between East and West. The Singapore Heritage Science Conference series experience (2013–today)”Through Time and Space: Synergies in Science, Thought and Culture(Panel on Heritage, Culture, and Complexity II); NTU, Research Techno Plaza, Singapore
Chen-Hsi Wong​“City of Small Blessings” – Invited Presenter for a Prestigious, Highly Selective ProgramTorino Film Festival: Adaptlab; Torino, Italy and Locarno, Switzerland
Kristy Kang​“Mapping Migration and Urban Development in Los Angeles' Koreatown and Singapore” – Invited PresentationUniversity of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy
Kristy Kang​“Mapping Food, Migration and Difference in Singapore”FemTechNet Distributed Open Collaborative Conference; University of Michigan, Ann Arbour
Kristy Kang​“Collaboration Now: How We Practice Together and with Others in the Transnational/Digital Era” – PanelistThe Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference; Atlanta
Marc Gloede​“The Cities Move On” – With David TheNTU CCA, Singapore
Marc Gloede​“Issues in Global Contemporary Art” (Seminar) – Guest LecturerNTU ADM, Singapore
Marc Gloede​“Exhibition Design” (Seminar) – Guest LecturerNTU ADM, Singapore
Marc Gloede​“Stepping into the Arena” – Lecture with Achim Mohnétime based academy, Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany
Marc Gloede​“ICON – I – CITY” (Lecture)NTU CCA, Singapore
Marc Gloede​“Expanding Filmic Spaces – Modifications in the Perception of Filmic Spatiality” (Lecture / Workshop)NTU CCA, Singapore
Marc Gloede​“Changes in Curatorial Pratice” – Discussion with Li ZhenhuaNTU CCA, Singapore
Marc Gloede​“Terry Fox – Processual Images” (Symposium) – LecturerAcademy of Fine Art, Berlin, Germany
Marc Gloede​“Missed Criticality. Images in Architecture” (Lecture / Workshop)NTU, Singapore
Peggy Poo-Pun​“Generating Creative Ideas to Design Effective Graphics” – OrganiserFor industry professionals; NTU CCE, Singapore
Peggy Poo-Pun​“Creative Posters and Invitations for Marketing” – OrganiserFor industry professionals; NTU CCE, Singapore
Regina Moeller​“Conversation with Artist John Clang”Fost Gallery, Singapore
Regina Moeller​“Wonder Suits” – Keynote SpeakerWearable Smart Clothing for 2040; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore
Regina Moeller​“Interrogative Pattern – Text(ile) Weave” – Introduction about the Research Project by Regina (Maria) Möller followed by Workshop with Dinu BodiciuThe Lab, Centre For Contemporary Art (CCA), Singapore
Ruben de la Nuez​“20/20: Twenty Masterpieces that Shaped 20th Century Art”Visual Arts Centre, Singapore


Creative Publications
​Name of Faculty​TitleOrganiser or Gallery or Film Festival /
Cindy Wang​Art Director Club_ADC AwardAwards Year Book, USA
Cindy Wang​One Show Design Vol. 10Awards Year Book, USA
Cindy Wang​“陳安的爵士小酒館”Broadcasting Corporation of China, Taiwan
Danne Ojeda​“The Path To Modernity: Mexican Modern Painting”, “D-SIGN-LAB poster”, “This Book is a Chair”, and “Scales of Babel”D-Sign-Lab Danné Ojedy, Font magazine 145, pp. 12–13; Prague, Czech Republic
Galina Mihaleva​“Palpitations” (Catalogue)Smart Textile Salon Wearable Technology E-textiles; Ronse, Belgium
Marc Gloede​“Once more – but different.... On the development of Found Footage Films” (Film Program Catalogue)Len Lye Center, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Marc Gloede​“The space-time that remains. On Tacita Dean’s filmic works” (Exhibition Catalogue)EYE, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Marc Gloede​“Into the Void” (Exhibition Catalogue)VOID: there’s nothing more left, but a little trace from human beings; Beijing, China
Marc Gloede​“Broken Off” (Exhibition Catalogue)Karin Sander: Randomly Selected Works; Copenhagen / Berlin, Germany
Randall Packer​“Media Torrent”New Media Caucus; College Art Association, Washington, DC, USA
Regina Moeller​Exhibition CatalogueSabeth Buchmann, Ilse Lafer, Constanze Ruhm (Eds.). Putting Rehearsal to the Test; Universitè Concordia, Montreal
Vibeke Sorensen​“East-West: The Global Art School as Global Laboratory for Multicultural Harmony”New Europe: Our World in 2016; Brussels, Belgium, http://neurope.eu/article/east-west-the-global-art-school-as-global-laboratory-for-multicultural-harmony/
Woon Lam Ng​“En Plein Art Painting Demonstration with Watercolor” – Featured ArtistOn Bespoke, TV programme on OKTO channel, interviewed by Mr Justin Bratton; Li Fine Art Gallery
Yin Ker​Online Database of Illustrations by Bagyi Aung Soe – AuthorA (Hi)Story of Art from Myanmar: 1948–1990; http://aungsoeillustrations.org/
Yin Ker​Website & Facebook Page on Bagyi Aung Soe – Authorhttp://bagyiaungsoe.com/; http://facebook.com.bagyiaungsoe/


Research Services
​Name of Faculty​TitleOrganiser or Gallery or Film Festival /
Andrea Nanetti​“Heritage Buildings Conservation: Methods and Techniques” – Organiser, Designer, and Founding Director with Yonkang CaoSino-European 2-week workshops for professionals; http://www.meduproject.com/wordpress/portfolio/chinese-italian-workshop/
Andrea Nanetti​Organiser with Roberto Baggio3nd Lighting Design Forum: The Lighting of Art Works in Outdoor Installations and Indoor Exhibitions; National Museum of Singapore
Andrea Nanetti​Flaminia Foundation President – AdvisorFor internationalisation matters in the Heritage Science Domain; http://www.unibo.it/en/campus-ravenna/presentation-andorganisation/flaminia-foundation
Andrea Nanetti​“Revisiting the World of Fra Mauro's Map and the Morosini Codex in an Artificial Intelligence Perspective” – EditorThe Asian Review of World Histories, 4(1); ISSN 2287-9811, http://thearwh.org/index.htm
Andrea Nanetti​“3rd Singapore Heritage Science Conference. The Complexity of Intangible Cultural Heritage” – Conference Organiser and Co-chair with Cheong Siew AnnNTU SPMS, Singapore, http://www.paralimes.ntu.edu.sg/NewsnEvents/3rd%20Singapore%20Heritage%20Science/Pages/Videos%20and%20Presentation%20Slides.aspx
Andrea Nanetti​“Venetian Historiography (and Byzantine Studies)” – Session Co-organiser and Co-convener with Serban Marin23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies; National Archives of Romania, Documentation, Publications and Scientific Activities Department, Romania
Andrea Nanetti​“Complexity and History. Mapping the City, from Leonardo da Vinci to Bing Maps” – Satellite Session Organiser and Co-chair with Cheong Siew Ann2016 Conference for Complex Systems (CCS); Beurs van Berlag, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, http://www.ccs2016.org
Andrea Nanetti​“The Heritage of Virtual Systems and Multimedia. What Might be Inherited, and How?” – Panel Session Organiser and Co-chair with Elke ReinhuberVSMM 2016: 22nd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Track 4 – Culture & Heritage); Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, http://www.vsmm2016.org/
Andrea Nanetti​“1457 World Map” – Organiser and Convener with Giovanni BergaminNational Library, Florence, Italy
Andrea Nanetti​“Leonardo da Vinci's Map of Imola” – Organiser and Convener with Filippo CamerotaHistory of Science Museum, Galileo Museum, Florence, Italy
Andrea Nanetti​“Counter-Factual Modelling” – Organiser and ConvenerNTU ADM, Singapore
Andrea Nanetti​“Complexity History” – Co-organiser with Cheong Siew Ann2016 Conference on Complexity Systems (CCS); Amsterdam, Netherlands
Andrea Nanetti​MemberComplex Systems Society; http://cssociety.org/community/members
Andrea Nanetti​Permanent MemberCommittee for the Publication of the Sources for the History of Venice; Venezia, Italy, http://www.fontidivenezia.org/Comitato.html
Andrea Nanetti​MemberBritish Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies; http://www.bjis-online.org, http://road.issn.org/issn/2056-5402-british-journal-of-interdisciplinarystudies-#.VzwcyZN95E4
Andrea Nanetti​Member of the Editorial TeamSCIentific RESearch and Information Technology (SCIRES-IT); http://caspurciberpublishing.it/index.php/scires-it
Andrea Nanetti​MemberMediterranean Research Institute for Palaeography, Bibliology and History of Texts; Arethas Institute, Athens, Greece
Andrea Nanetti​Member of the Program CommitteeInternational Conference on Culture and Computing; https://www.astem.or.jp/virtual-lab/culture/conference/
Andrea Nanetti​Member of the Advisory CommitteeVSMM 2016: 22nd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, http://www.vsmm2016.org/#!committee/pz66g
Andrea Nanetti​Member of the Program Committee2016 Conference for Complex Systems (CCS); Beurs van Berlag, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, http://www.ccs2016.org
Andrea Nanetti​Member of the Program CommitteeHistoInformatics 2016: 3nd International Workshop on Computational History; Kraków, Poland, http://dh2016.adho.org, http://histoinformatics.org/
Andrea Nanetti​Member of the Scientific CommitteeCultural Heritage as Economic Value: Economic Benefits, Social Opportunities, and Challenges of Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development – A dissemination event regarding the forthcoming homonymous publication; Athens, Greece
Andrea Nanetti​Member of the Program CommitteeSOTICS 2015: The Fifth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics; Barcelona, Spain, http://www.iaria.org/conferences2015/SOTICS15.html
Andrea Nanetti​History Panel Chair2016 Undergraduate Awards Program; http://www.undergraduateawards.com/
Ben Shedd​“Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences” – MemberDocumentary Branch USA
Benjamin Seide​ReviewerThe Society for Animation Studies (SAS) Conference
Benjamin Slater​“Singaporeana Day” – CuratorAsia House Film Festival; The Cinema Museum, London
Benjamin Slater​EditorNANG, Issue 1, Vol. 1
Biju Dhanapalan​Member of the Review PanelSociety for Animation Studies (SAS) Conference: The Cosmos of Animation; NTU ADM, Singapore
Biju Dhanapalan​Co-curatorSociety for Animation Studies (SAS) 2016, Animation Exhibition; NTU ADM, Singapore
Biju Dhanapalan​Jury MemberMumbai International Film Festival (MIFF); http://miff.in/miff2016-jury
Galina Mihaleva​MemberTextile Institute; Manchester, UK
Hans-Martin Rall​“Adaptation Issue” – Guest EditorMaureen Furniss (Ed.). Animation Journal; School of Film/Video, California Institute of the Arts, USA
Hans-Martin Rall​Member of the Editorial BoardAnimation Journal; School of Film/Video, California Institute of the Arts, USA
Hans-Martin Rall​Member of the Editorial BoardTechart Journal of Art and Imaging Science; Korea
Hans-Martin Rall​MemberPopular Culture Association America; USA
Hans-Martin Rall​MemberSociety of Animation Studies
Hans-Martin Rall​MemberIllustratren-Organisation e.V. (German Illustration Association), Germany
Hans-Martin Rall​MemberICOM (Interessenverband Comic Cartoon Trickfilm), Germany
Hans-Martin Rall​Young Animation Program – Pre-Selection Jury MemberStuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS); Germany
Hans-Martin Rall​Jury MemberNEmation Competition; Ministry of Defense/ST Electronics, Singapore
Ina Chavez​MemberUnion of Slovene Fine Arts Associations (ZDSLU)
Ina Chavez​“Research Conversation: Storytelling: Narrative in Cognition and Interaction” – Conference organiser and chairCo-HASS and Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Workshop/Conference Scheme (CLASS); NEC, Singapore
Jesvin Yeo​Council MemberAd-Ucation Council, Association of Accredited Advertising Agents (4As Singapore)
Jesvin Yeo​Conference Committee MemberDigital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA)
Kathrin Albers​CuratorThe Magic Pen Line: Ronald Searle; SAS Conference
Laura Longo​Membre Associée [Associated Member]Unité Mixte de Recherches (UMR 7268 CNRS-Université Aix-Marseille-EFS)
Laura Longo​Pool of Experts – Appointed MemberEuropean Museum Academy (EMA)
Laura Longo​Activities of Curatorship Volumes of International Publishers – EditorElsevier, BAR
Laura Longo​International Journals – Peer-ReviewerElsevier, BAR, Springer
Laura Longo​Functional Analysis – SecretaryA17 Commission UISPP
Laura Longo​MemberItalian Institute of Human Palaeontology (IsIPU), Italy
Laura Longo​Proceedings of the A 17 UISPP Sessions – Co-Guest EditorQuaternary International
Lucas Jodogne​Elected MemberBelgian Cinematographer’s Guild; Belgium
Lucy Davis​Southeast Asia ContributorAntennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, UK; www.antennae.org.uk
Lucy Davis​Board MemberInternational Association of Art Critics (AICA) Singapore Chapter
Lucy Davis​Publications ReviewerExternal reviewer for Routledge on publications pertaining to animal studies and nature in contemporary art
Lucy Davis​Phloem – Founding MemberInternational research group on ‘The Tree in Art and Visual Culture’. Members include Prof Liz Wells and Dr Carole Baker from Plymouth University UK, and Prof Wayne Barrar from Massey University New Zealand
Lucy Davis​Global ContributorAntennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, UK; www.antennae.org.uk
Marc Gloede​“Found Images” – CuratorLen Lye Center, New Zealand
Marc Gloede​“Incomplete Urbanism” – Co-contributorCurated by Ute Meta Bauer; NTU CCA, Singapore
Marc Gloede​“Artist Films at Kino International” – CuratorBerlin, Germany
Michael Tan​Committee Member, Art Advisory CommitteeNg Teng Fong Hospital, Jurong Health Group, Singapore
Michelle Lim​MemberCollege Art Association
Michelle Lim​MemberSociety of Contemporary Art Historians
Michelle Lim​MemberAlliance of American Museums
Michelle Lim​Acquisitions CommitteeSingapore Art Museum
Michelle Lim​Advisory CommitteeSingapore Biennale 2016; Singapore Art Museum
Nanci Takeyama​Editorial Board MemberTassmeem; Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar, VCU-Q, http://authorsqscience.com/tassmeem.html
Paul Moody​“Asylum From The Madness” – EditorBy Mark Aitken; Director's diary accompanying his documentary “Dead When I Got Here“
Peggy Poo-Pun​Editorial Board MemberBusiness Education & Accreditation (BEA)
PerMagnus Lindborg​Board member (By Board Vote) – Music CoordinatorInternational Computer Music Association; http://www.computermusic.org
PerMagnus Lindborg​Member (By Peer Evaluation of Application)Audio Engineering Society; http://www.aes.org
PerMagnus Lindborg​Member (By Invitation)Composer Society of Singapore; https://www.facebook.com/sgcomposers
PerMagnus Lindborg​MemberInternational Computer Music Association; http://www.computermusic.org
PerMagnus Lindborg​Member (By Committee Evaluation of Composition Portfolio)Norwegian Composers' Society; http://www.komponist.no
PerMagnus Lindborg​MemberNorwegian Performing Rights Association; http://www.tono.no/english
PerMagnus Lindborg​Member (By Evaluation of Composition Portfolio)Music Norway (Publisher); http://www.listento.no
PerMagnus Lindborg​“Array” [Special Issue] – 1st EditorICMA: Proceedings of Si15; Soundislands Festival 2015, http://www.computermusic.org/media/documents/array/arraySi15.pdf
Peter Chen​Registered ArchitectSingapore Institute of Architects
Peter Chen​Associate EditorThe International Journal of the Constructed Environment, Vol. 7, Issue 1; Common Ground Publishing
Ruben de la Nuez​Visual Arts & Design – Judging PanelistThe Undergraduate Awards (UA) 2016
Ruben de la Nuez​MemberThe Global Studies Knowledge Community
Ruben de la Nuez​MemberCollege Art Association (CAA), USA
Ruben de la Nuez​MemberAssociation Internationale des Critiques d’Art (AICA)
Ruben de la Nuez​MemberUnión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC), Cuba
Soon-Hwa Oh​JudgeKuala Lumpur International Photo Award; Malaysia
Soon-Hwa Oh​Advisory Committee MemberNational Unification of South Korea, Appointed by the President Park Geun-Hye, South Korea
Soon-Hwa Oh​Board MemberPhotographic Society of Singapore
Soon-Hwa Oh​Editorial Board MemberPhotographies Journal; Routledge, UK
Soon-Hwa Oh​Editorial Board MemberBritish Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Soon-Hwa Oh​MemberKorean Cultural Promotion and Management Committee, Korean Embassy in Singapore
Ute Meta​Commissioning Panel (Singapore)Venice Biennale 2017; Italy
Ute Meta​Residencies Jury (2015 – 2017)Akademie Schloss Solitude, Germany
Ute Meta​Advisory Committee (Shanghai)Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Ute Meta​Jury1st International Queen Sonja Print Award; Oslo, Norway
Ute Meta​Advisory Board Member15th Istanbul Biennial; Turkey
Ute Meta​“Amar Kanwar: The Sovereign Forest” – Co-curator with Khim OngNTU CCA, Singapore
Ute Meta​“Joan Jonas: They Come to Us Without a Word” – Co-curator with Paul C. HaNTU CCA, Singapore
Vibeke Sorensen​Co-Chair28th Annual Conference of the Society for Animation Studies: The Cosmos of Animation; NTU ADM, Singapore
Vibeke Sorensen​International Symposium Organiser and HostBio-Art/Design: Transdisciplinarity in Art, Science and Creativity; NTU ADM, Singapore
Vibeke Sorensen​Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Paper Reviewer20th International Conference on Information Visualization; Lisbon, Portugal, http://www.graphicslink.co.uk/IV2016/


Professional Work
​Name of Faculty​TitleOrganiser or Gallery or Film Festival /
Andrea Nanetti​“The Silk Road (Past, Present, and Future)” – Executive Producer and Content ProviderPilot project for an animated documentaries series on flat and dome screens
Andrea Nanetti​“The Silk Road (Past, Present, and Future)” – Executive Producer, Art Director, and Content ProviderFor full dome screen
Andrea Nanetti​Advisor to the President of the Flaminia FoundationFor internationalisation matters in the Heritage Science Domain; Private foundation for the development of university studies in the Romagna region, Italy
Andrea Nanetti​Advisor to the President and Member of the Board of DirectorsManiatakeion Foundation, Athens, Greece
Benjamin Seide​“Lotus Dream” (Feature Film) – Visual Effects SupervisorWork in progress, scheduled for Autumn 2016
Benjamin Slater​“Rose Plays Julie” – Script Editor/ReaderJoe Lawlor and Christine Molloy; Samson Films
Benjamin Slater​“Mandala” – Script EditorScout Pictures, Singapore
Benjamin Slater​“The Block” – ScreenplayM'Go Films, Singapore/Canada
Benjamin Slater​“Sister” – Co-writerAdaptation of a novel by Jim Lewis; Collaboration with director Esther May Campbell
Biju Dhanapalan​“Neerja”Director: Ram Madhvani; Fox Star
Biju Dhanapalan​Channel Branding6 Astha TV channels
Galina Mihaleva​“Neocraft” (Traditional textile techniques for innovative textile sensors development)NA
Galina Mihaleva​“Biomaterial Matters” (Silk and computational design thinking for prototype)NA
Galina Mihaleva​“Kinetic Dress” (Original costumes) – Collaboration with Jessica RajkoScottsdale, Arizona, USA
Hans Peter Bacher​“ITC” – Monotype Font Developer5 Fonts Available
Paul Moody​“Radical Radford” – Director, ProducerFeature-length documentary portrait of one man's amazing life journey
Paul Moody​“A Minute is a Long Time to Hang by Your Fingernails” – DirectorArt installation piece about the last weeks of the author's life
Paul Moody​“The Challenge” – Director, ProducerFeature length stereoscopic 3D creative documentary about people with spinal injuries filmed in Barcelona, Hamburg, Cardiff, and London
Peter Chen​Design Consultant for winning competition entry with Ong & Ong Architects for Adshel Competition 2000LTA Bus Shelter Competition Award; 2,700 bus shelters nationwide for $233 million
Soon-Hwa Oh​International Correspondent for South Asia & Art WriterPHOTODOT (Monthly Nation Wide Paper-based Magazine); South Korea
Vibeke Sorensen​“Mood of Singapore” (Interactive Painting/ Big Data /“Public” Art)Variation on Mood of New York; NTU Museum, Singapore
Woon Lam Ng​“Bespoke” (Painting Demonstration) – Featured ArtistEducational TV program on OKTO Channel with Justin Bratton, USA


Critical Writings
​Name of Faculty​TitleOrganiser or Gallery or Film Festival /
Andrea Nanetti​“Bringing Together History and Data Science with Microsoft Azure”By Winnie Cui (Senior Research Program Manager, Microsoft Research Asia); Microsoft Research Blog, https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/msr_er/2016/01/29/bringing-together-historyand-data-science-with-microsoft-azure/
Benjamin Slater​“Struggles & Conflicts” (An Interview with Ben Slater)NANG, Issue 0, Vol. 1; By Davide Cazzaro
Hans-Martin Rall​“Kurs auf die Nibelungen” (Newspaper Article)By Klaus-Peter Eichele; Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Germany
Lucy Davis​“Photographies of Trees; Nature’s Draw at the End of Nature”By Ho Rui An; Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, UK
Lucy Davis​“All About the Birds, Bees and (the Boys)”By Mayo Martin; TODAYonline
Lucy Davis​“Bird's Eye View”By Mayo Martin; TODAY
Lucy Davis​“Woman Power: Project Arises from Bird Interventions”By Sharon Cheah; The Business Times
Lucy Davis​“An Hour at the Museum: There Are Too Many Episodes of People Coming Here”By Ken Cheong; The Straits Times