Virtual reality enhanced psychosocial training and rehabilitation for the elderly 


Psychosocially impaired elderly often suffer from functional limitations which impede independent community living. Rehabilitation is the process in which they regain the necessary skills to re-integrate back into the community and can therefore age in place. 

The specific aims of this proposal are (i) to develop a virtual reality (VR) psychosocial rehabilitation platform, (ii) to conduct studies to evaluate task accomplishment performances in VR and in real world, and (iii) to gather feedback from elderly users on the acceptability and tolerability of a VR rehabilitation module. 

A VR rehabilitation platform has several benefits. It permits an individual to undergo evaluation and training across a wide range of scenarios without the usual constraints of environment and manpower. It also provides the individual and the therapist the option of tailoring the rehabilitation programme to cater to his/her specific community needs. Ultimately, we believe that the proposed platform will improve psychosocial rehabilitation outcomes and thus help the elderly to age in place.  

Principal Investigator

Miao Chun Yan

Prof Miao Chun Yan

College of Computing and Data Science

Dr Chunyan Miao is a President’s Chair Professor and Chair of the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Under her leadership, SCSE has contributed greatly to NTU’s top world rankings in CS, CE and ...

Associate Vice President (Capability Building) & Senior Deputy Dean, College of Computing & Data Science President’s Chair in Computer Science Professor, College of Computing & Data Science Co-Director, Others - Please update the Remarks field

Keywords: Artificial and Augmented Intelligence | Computer Science and Engineering | Info-Communication Technology | Interactive Digital Media | Internet & Communications