Ageing Medicine Project TitlePrincipal Investigator Non-invasive neuroimaging measurements combined with physiological, neurocognitive and biota-based biomarker measurements as predictors of health outcome in ageing Balazs Zoltan GULYASProfessor LEE KONG CHIAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (LKCMEDICINE)Exercise and Diet adapted microbiome: a novel approach to sustain health and support healthy ageing for Singaporeans Sven PETTERSSON Visiting ProfessorLEE KONG CHIAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (LKCMEDICINE)Functional Food Based Gut Microbiome Engineering: An Approach Toward Healthy Lifespan Extension Jorgen SCHLUNDT Professor SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL & BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGThe respiratory microbiome – a predictor of healthy ageing?Sanjay Haresh CHOTIRMALL Associate ProfessorLEE KONG CHIAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (LKCMEDICINE)A novel drug target to prevent the protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseasesMIAO Yansong Associate ProfessorSCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCERejuvenation of the Aged Brain: Optical Interrogation of Cortical DynamicsHiroshi MAKINOAssistant Professor LEE KONG CHIAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (LKCMEDICINE)Identification of the molecular mechanisms that ameliorate the progression of Huntington disease-like syndrome and age-dependent neuronal dysfunctionYasunori SAHEKIAssistant Professor LEE KONG CHIAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (LKCMEDICINE) Exercise medicine as a core strategy for ageing health: Bridging the evidence-gaps between Community and Clinical Exercise Programmes for chronic disease prevention and treatment in older populationFabian LIM Chin Leong (Dr)LEE KONG CHIAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (LKCMEDICINE)