Information, Nutrition and Health: A Comparative Study on Behavioural, Psychological, and Social Insights of the Elderly Consumers in Singapore and Australia


The project goal is to conduct a pilot study to develop a better understanding of the relative importance of health and digital literacies on health-related behaviours in two-generational cohorts  (those aged  40-64  years and those aged  65 years and over)  in two different countries (Singapore and Australia). Singapore and Australia would be interesting examples to testify the contrast health literacy and associated nutrition and lifestyle habits between Western culture (Euro-Australians)  versus Asian culture  (multi-ethnic groups of Chinese, Indians and Malays). The scientific objectives are:

1. To establish an integrated cross-country database and commence the establishment of indicative preliminary data and profiles for nutritional, health and digital literacy, psychosocial factors such as age, education, economic status, dietary and physical activity patterns, and perceived health status in 2 generational cohorts in Singapore and Australia.

2. To test an integrated Health Diary app suitable for cross-country research to collect dietary and physical activity data.

3. To develop dynamic modelling statistical techniques using two weeks of diet and physical activity to deepen our understanding of what is occurring at the individual level.

Principal Investigator

Theng Yin Leng

Prof Theng Yin Leng

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information

Dr. Theng Yin Leng is Professor and Director at the Centre of Healthy and Sustainable Cities (CHESS) at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, and Research Director at the Research Strategy and Coordination Unit (President’s Office) ...

Executive Director, Ageing Research Institute for Society and Education (ARISE), Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information President's Chair in Information Studies Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information Professor, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (Courtesy Appointment) Executive Director, Ageing Research Institute for Society and Education (ARISE)

Keywords: Artificial and Augmented Intelligence | Computer Science and Engineering | Info-Communication Technology | Interactive Digital Media | Internet & Communications | Library and Information Management | Mental Health | Smart Cities
