S/U Option and Minor Programme

S/U Option and Minor Programme

1) Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Option

Student may choose to exercise a maximum of 12 AUs of S/U option for GER-Prescribed Electives (GER-PE) and Unrestricted Elective (UE)/Broadening & Deepening Electives (BDE) anytime during their candidature.

For courses indicated as “S” (if the final grade obtained is a “D” grade or better), the student will be awarded the AU and it is counted towards his/her degree requirement. Conversely, if the course is assigned as “U”, no AUs is earned. Both “S” and “U” grades carry no grade point and are excluded in the computation of CGPA (Computation of Cumulative Grade Point Average). However, both grades will still be reflected in the transcript issued by the University.

The declaration of S/U option for Academic Year 2023-2024 is held on:




Semester 1Mon, 2 October 2023 (9.30 a.m.)Tues, 12 December 2023 (11.59 p.m.)
Semester 2Mon, 4 March 2024 (9.30 a.m.)Tues, 14 May 2024 (11.59 p.m.)
Special TermMon, 1 July 2024 (9.30 a.m.)Tue, 30 July 2024 (11.59 p.m.)


Points to note:

  1. Once S/U option is declared on a course, it will be irrevocable after the declaration exercise is over. Therefore, students are advised to print out a copy of the declaration for their own reference.
  2. To be awarded a degree, student must obtain at least 69 AUs of graded courses.
  3. Students cannot exercise S/U option for Core Major PE courses, second major / minor programme as well as graduate courses.
  4. More information on S/U option could be found on OAS Website.


2) Minor Programme

Student could opt to study a Minor Programme from other schools if they wish to gain skills and knowledge outside of their Major. The list of minor programme that are currently offer at NTU and the detailed requirements are listed in the University webpage.

The period for students to declare their intention to do minor or file for their award of minor(s) is as follows:

Minor Declaration




Semester 1Mon, 2 October 2023 (9.30 a.m.)Fri, 22 December 2023 (11.59 p.m.)
Semester 2Mon, 4 March 2024 (9.30 a.m.)Fri, 5 July 2024 (11.59 p.m.)

Minor Filing




Semester 1Mon, 2 October 2023 (9.30 a.m.)Tues, 12 December 2023 (11.59 p.m.)
Semester 2Mon, 4 March 2024 (9.30 a.m.)Fri, 10 May 2024 (11.59 p.m.)