Mass Spectrometry
The proteomics core facility offers mass spectrometry services to the NTU community and beyond. We provide a wide range of services including determination of molecular weight for biomolecules and protein identification from various sources. We hope to expand further in the near future.
To request for a service,
- Fill up and email the sample submission form to SBSMS@ntu.edu.sg
- Print and attach a hard copy of the form to each sample and submit it to Meng Wei at the mass spectrometry room.
We are committed to provide high quality service at an affordable cost, with fast turnaround under normal instrumental conditions. Protein (unlabeled) identification from Coomassie blue-stained gel bands is guaranteed. You will not be charged the service if the results turn out otherwise.
- Maldi TOF/TOF ABI 4800
- ESI-MS Thermo Q Exative
- ESI-MS Agilent 6530 Q-TOF
- Linear Ion trap Orbitrap (Thermo LTQ-Orbitrap)
- Linear Ion trap FTICR (Thermo LTQ-FT)
- Maldi TOF/TOF ABSciex 5800