Research Projects

Logistics Thrust (NTU)

WP 1.1 - Regional Positioning System in Large Industrial Environment

WP 1.2 - Perception System in Tropic Environments

WP 1.3 - Navigation in Repetitive and Dynamic Environment

WP 1.6 - Testing, Validation and Evaluation of Perception Systems

Cobots for Manufacturing Thrust (NTU)

WP 2.1 - Efficient and Effective Multi-robot Cooperation

WP 2.2 - Learning for Human Behaviour Recognition and Intention Understanding

WP 2.3 - Motion Planning and Control for Human-centric Multi-Robot-Human Collaboration

WP 2.4 - Learning by Haptic Demonstration

WP 2.7 - Verification of Resilience of Sensing and Formal Control Synthesis for Safety Critical Multi-Robot-Human Systems

Robots for Humans Thrust (NUS)

WP 1.4 - Adaptive Perception for Semantic Robot-Human Interaction

WP 1.5 - Physical Reasoning and Robot Imagination

WP 2.5 - Robust and Safe Human-in-the-Loop Robot Behavioural Adaptation

WP 2.6 - Human-Robot Teaching Through Multi-Modal Communication