Academic Mentoring

In CCEB, we have an Academic Mentoring Scheme that has the following objectives:

  • To help students adapt to undergraduate life.
  • To establish rapport and encourage interaction between faculty and students.
  • To provide a channel for student feedback.
  • To keep students informed about NTU matters.
  • To guide students in choosing appropriate courses of study and career options.

The academic mentor acts as a link between the student and the appropriate person or authority concerned, e.g. tutor, course coordinator, Associate Chair/Assistant Chair, etc. As freshmen come from diverse backgrounds, the initial task of the academic mentor is to provide information on university life - how teaching is done, what is expected in tutorials and examinations, what resources are available in the library and who to seek help from, how to study, and how to get the most out of their stay here. Mentors also advise on time management, academic performance and achieving a good balance of co-curricular activities.  

Mentors are not expected to be fully conversant with all aspects pertaining to students in the university. In some cases, an apparent academic problem may sometimes be related to the student's personal difficulties. In such instances, the student may contact our Pastoral Care team which provides counselling and related psychological wellbeing services to students. 

Each student will be assigned a faculty member from his/her respective school who shall remain as the Mentor throughout the student's candidature. 

For further information, please email: [email protected]