Bachelor of Engineering in Bioengineering with Second Major in Entrepreneurship

Single Degree with 2nd Major

With the goal to prepare NTU graduates to impact the world and its grand challenges, the new Second Major in Entrepreneurship (SMiE) is introduced, in partnership with the NTU Entrepreneurship Academy and Nanyang Business School, to:

  • Equip students with fundamental entrepreneurship competency and broaden their understanding in enterprise and innovation.
  • Inculcate an entrepreneurial mindset to deal with uncertainties in a VUCA* world and be the drivers of technology innovation.
  • Seize the opportunities from new technologies with special emphasis on technopreneurship.
  • Expand their network and be part of the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  • Provide them with hands-on experience in technopreneurship through experiential learning and a 20-week local/overseas internship with startups, venture capital firms, or other entrepreneurship-related organisations.

* Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.


Unique Feature

A unique feature of the SMiE curricula is the emphasis on experiential exposure and learning where students will be placed in an interactive learning environment in the form of team-based projects, real-life simulations, role-playing an​d practical experiences.

Lessons will be conducted by business leaders, entrepreneurs, intellectual property lawyers in addition to dedicated academics. Students will be guided to identify when and how to seize opportunities that come with change. There will be many networking and social settings for students to meet professionals and successful entrepreneurs.

Students are expected to be immersed extensively in the entrepreneurship eco-system and to interact with the entrepreneurs, business incubators, venture financiers as well as reach out to potential clients. 

Admission Requirements

Candidates must meet the minimum entry requirements of the respective Bachelor of Engineering programme, including the minimum subject requirements. Please refer to the Office of Admissions for more information.

Programme Structure & Duration

Students will be required to take 4 Compulsory Courses of 12AU, which will equip them with fundamental entrepreneurship competency as well as a technopreneurial mindset, and 13AU of Elective Courses to build further breadth and depth in entrepreneurship.

A unique feature of the SMiE curricula is the emphasis on experiential exposure and learning where students will be placed in an interactive learning environment in the form of team-based projects, real-life simulations, role-playing an​d practical experiences. Lessons will be conducted by business leaders, entrepreneurs, intellectual property lawyers in addition to d​edicated academics. Students will be guided to identify when and how to seize opportunities that come with change. There will be many networking and social settings for students to meet professionals and successful entrepreneurs. Students are expected to be immersed extensively in the entrepreneurship eco-system and to interact with the entrepreneurs, business incubators, venture financiers as well as reach out to potential clients.

To intensify the experiential learning, students will be required to undertake a compulsory Experiential Programme of 10AU. Students can either take part in the 20-week Overseas Entrepreneurship Programme (OEP) or a 20-week local Professional Internship with internship organisations such as startups, venture capital firms, entrepreneurship support organisations, and innovation setups in corporations. The experience will culminate in an Industry-Sponsored Final Year Project (ISFYP) of 8AU which is also part of the degree requirement for engineering. 

Career Prospects

With the Bachelor of Engineering with a Second Major in Entrepreneurship, you will have the versatility to choose from a wide range of career options such as:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Venture Capitalists
  • Government Policy Makers
  • Management Consultants
Business innovation and new venture development in large corporations


All Bachelor of Engineering programmes at NTU College of Engineering are accredited by The Institution of Engineers Singapore, the Singapore signatory of the Washington Accord​, through its Engineering Accreditation Board. The Washington Accord is an international agreement for mutual recognition of the substantial equivalence of engineering academic programmes in satisfying the academic requirements for the practice of engineering at the professional level.

Additional Information

Graduates of the Engineering with a Second Major in Entrepreneurship programme will be awarded a Bachelor of Engineering in their chosen Engineering major with a separate certificate for the Second Major in Entrepreneurship.     

The tuition fees for the Bachelor of Engineering with a Second Major in Entrepreneurship programme will be pegged to the fees for the Bachelor of Engineering programmes. Eligible students may also be considered for scholarships that include fully-paid subsidised tuition fees and living allowances. Scholarship terms and conditions apply. For more information on tuition fees and scholarships, please refer to Office of Admissions.