PhD (Chemistry)

Nanyang Technological University offers a PhD programme based on Chemistry research. In this four-year programme, students take advanced courses focusing on active research topics, and perform research under the supervision of a faculty member. The programme culminates in writing and defending a scientific thesis before a panel of scientific experts.
The PhD programme has a minimum candidature period of 2 years, and a maximum of 5 years. Most students complete the programme in 4 years.
Minimum TOEFL score must be equivalent to or more than:
- 600 for paper-based test
- 250 for computer-based test
- 100 for internet-based test
Applications for admission must be submitted online. For more information, please click on Research Programmes Admissions Guide.
PhD Coursework Components
- 16 AUs (4 AU Graduate Seminar Course, min 8AU from CCEB Science courses, max 4AU can be from other Schools with CGPA 3.5)
- Graduate English (HWG703)* & University Teaching for Teaching Assistants (HWG702)*
- Research Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (PGR ICC) Course – to be completed in Yr1 Sem1
* For full time PhD students only
CoS Transferable Skills Programme
- HWG704 (3 AU) and 3-minute thesis (3MT)
- CoS Research Integrity Workshop (before QE, held annually in October)
- CoS Diversity Workshop (optional, held annually in January)
Research Component
- Qualifying examination & confirmation
- Submission of thesis for examination
- PhD oral examination
Programme Structure
- All candidates will commence as Research Students in the first instance. Subsequently, the candidate will be required to pass the Qualifying Examination and Confirmation Exercise in order to be confirmed as a PhD candidate or MSc candidate.
- The candidate will pursue the research work under the supervision of the supervisor and submit for examination a thesis based on the research work done. The candidate must keep in frequent and regular contact with the supervisor regarding the research throughout the candidature period.
- The candidate is required to attend classes and pass the examination to meet the coursework requirements such as Academic Unit (AU) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
- Candidates are required to complete all the coursework and undergo a Qualifying Examination cum Confirmation Exercise within the period stipulated.
- Upon completion of the research, the candidate is required to submit the thesis in a form ready and acceptable for examination before the expiry of the maximum candidature.
- In addition to being examined on the thesis, a candidate for the degree of PhD must pass an oral examination) on the subject matter of the thesis and other related subjects.
Additional Requirements
- Online NTU Epigeum Research Integrity Course (during first semester)
- CCEB-CHEM Research Integrity Course (during first year)
- Seminar attendance of at least 5 seminars per semester
- Completion of Graduate Assistantship Programme (GAP), if applicable
- Annual meeting with Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) members
- Submission of regular progress reports, including list of publications, TAC reports, and degree audit
Qualifying Examination
The Qualifying Examination (QE) tests a PhD student's research progress, ability to explain and evaluate his/her research work in the context of the scientific literature, and ability to answer technical questions from other scientists.
Unless special permission is granted by School, the QE must be completed within 18 months from enrolment in the PhD programme. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from the PhD programme.
Preparing for the QE
To be eligible for the QE, a PhD student must have completed the coursework requirements of the PhD programme, while satisfying the minimum CGPA of 3.5. If the student is enrolled in and on-track to complete the last one or two courses in their 3rd semester, permission will be granted to attend the QE. However, the QE results will take effect only after the successful completion of the required coursework. Students who foresee that they might not be able to meet the coursework requirements before QE due date should contact the School as soon as possible.
PhD students who meet the eligibility criteria will have their QE scheduled near the end of their 3rd semester (15–16 months after enrolment in the programme). Students will be informed on the date/time of the oral examination via email.
Students should begin preparing the QE report a few months before the scheduled QE. This is a short report (20-50 pages) detailing (i) the research progress thus far, and (ii) future research plans. It should be properly formatted according to the standards of the scientific literature.
The PhD student must also prepare a 30-minute presentation. The oral examination will consist of the 30-minute presentation, followed by a 20 minute Q&A session. The examiners may ask about anything relating to the research.
PhD Thesis
Student must write a research thesis. Once the student and supervisor have agreed that the thesis is ready, it should be submitted online (via GSLink → Academic → Thesis → Thesis Submission). After being endorsed by the supervisor, the thesis is sent to three independent examiners for evaluation. After this evaluation, the student must defend the thesis in an oral examination scheduled by the school.
Completed theses must be posted to the NTU Digital Repository.