Published on 04 Mar 2025

Award of Japan-Singapore Joint Call: JST-A*STAR 2024  project - Assistant Professor Yan Ran

Congratulation to Assistant Professor Yan Ran on the award of Japan-Singapore Joint Call: JST-A*STAR 2024 for her project AI for Maritime Decarbonisation: Integrating Emerging Technologies to Vessel Navigation and Control

About Japan-Singapore Joint Call: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) / Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star)

Japan and Singapore have a strong and longstanding partnership in bilateral research collaborations. This new joint grant call by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research of Singapore (A*STAR) aims to promote and strengthen bilateral collaborations and exchanges between researchers from Japan and Singapore in joint research projects of mutual interest.

On the Japan side, this funding measure is carried out under the international collaboration program which aims to build a “Complementary and Sustainable Research Ecosystem”, facilitating mutual growth as co-creating partners by enhancing sustainable research cooperation grounded in longstanding initiatives such as international collaborative research and the exchange of research personnel.

For Singapore, this funding measure is carried out under the Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 (RIE2025) plan. Teams from Singapore are encouraged to include collaborators from other ASEAN Member States. Possible collaborators from institutions in other ASEAN countries should seek their own funding or provide in-kind contributions.

The Research Fields for this collaboration program on Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

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Project Write-up

The maritime industry is currently undergoing profound transformations driven by decarbonisation and digitalisation, while cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) is widely recognised as an effective and efficient tool to realise both goals. This research aims to integrate state-of-the-art AI technologies to enhance maritime sustainability by optimising the navigation of manned vessels and unmanned vessels in the future. Targeting shipping operations along the Singapore-Japan Green and Digital Shipping Corridor (GDSC) of both manned and unmanned vessels, with integration of Just-in-Time (JIT) capability.

This project is expected to deliver significant economic and social benefits to both Singapore and Japan by advancing the maritime decarbonisation and digitalisation, as well as applying cutting-edge AI to suitable use cases to increase social welfares. Economically, this research will improve vessel navigation and energy efficiency and thus reduce voyage costs for maritime stakeholders, reducing logistics costs and strengthen the supply chain of both countries. Socially, it will contribute to achieving sustainable and safe maritime navigation, which closely aligns with the Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 (RIE2025) of Singapore.

The output of this project will help cement Singapore’s and Japan’s role as the global maritime centre. Moreover, this collaborative effort supports research partnerships and exchanges among maritime and environmental researchers from Singapore, Japan, and Vietnam, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of regional maritime challenges and solutions.